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Trigger warning: sensitive topics, like beating, attacks, etc. I advise you to not continue reading or just skip the prologue.

March 1945

She went to police as quick as she can. She reported her daughter missing. 3 hours go by and no answer from her. She ran up to the police station and cried.

"Hello? Police! I'd like to file a missing person's case!" Charlotte Wormwood cried. "My 8 year old daughter, Mary Wormwood. She hasn't returned yet."

"Could you give a description of what she looks like and the events, please?" one police officer asked.

Charlotte began describing her. "Long brown chestnut hair, freckles, olive green eyes, around 4'2, she wore a long dark brown jacket up to her kneecaps..."

She continued. "She was going to school and I was at work at that time. The school is nearby so she walks back home, but she didn't return after that. I assumed she was at her friend's house but 3 hours go by, no sign from her!"

"Okay ma'am. We will send help. We'll get to you once we investigate." the police officer said.

"Thank you." Charlotte said.

It was a typical 1940s life. Well, not for Charlotte. Charlotte struggled with financial problems. Her wage was very small and the boss didn't pay her a big salary. Paying the bills and buying "needs" was hard work.

Charlotte was an immigrant from Germany. Charlotte flew out of the country to live in America (where she gave birth to Mary in 1937) to provide a happy life experience for her future. She expected her life to be happy but was in poverty. Most people didn't accept her into jobs or didn't pay her a lot.

In short details, the Wormwoods lived a quiet, destitute life in their Victorian farm. Charlotte working on the farm and her job as a waitress in the South Carolina Restaurant. Charlotte was just 16 years old giving birth to Mary.

"Oh, Mary. Sweetheart, we will find you..." Charlotte prayed, hoping she was alive and well.

The next morning, Charlotte received news just as she was going down to the police station.

"Well?! Any news?!" Charlotte yelled.

"Madam, please stay calm. We found her..." the police officer motioned.

"Alive, alive, alive..." Charlotte prayed

"Unfortunately, Mary was found unconscious in Bearwind Forest. We called paramedics and they took her to the hospital. Then..."

"Then what?!"

"She was pronounced dead. We did an autopsy of her body and there was a lot of bruises and wounds to her head. We assumed two things: accidental animal attack in the forest or she was beaten to death."

"No! It can't be!" Charlotte cried, heartbroken and in grief.

"We also found this cassette tape." the police officer said.

Charlotte knew that cassette tape! It was Mary! She replayed it out loud, tears streaming.

"Mommy, I know one day I will be gone. I will be up in the clouds. Up with Jesus. I will be an Angel! I will look down at you and take care of you! I love you, Mommy!"

Charlotte kept on replaying it. She cherished the cassette tape. It was one of most valuable, unforgettable treasure.

She was very upset and angry. Not because her daughter is dead, but because the police ruled a theory that Mary's death was accidental! What kind of silly theory was that? Did they really think having that much bruises and wounds was "an accident?"

April 1965, Oakville Orphanage

Charlotte now worked as a caretaker in Oakville Orphanage. She managed to take care of the kids and didn't struggle with finance anymore! She got paid by the boss to look after them and promised her a wealthy salary.

"Okay kids, time for bed!" Charlotte ordered.

The little kids stopped playing and did what Charlotte said. She sighed and chuckled.

The kids wanted her to read a story. Although you might think it was happy books like Goldilocks, the Little Bears. It was a dark, spooky story.

"This girl...died. It was ruled as accidental..." Charlotte read. A tear swept down her face and landed gently on the page.

A kid named George noticed. "Mommy, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." Charlotte lied. This made her think of her own daughter, Mary (who we know died 20 years ago). She was also surprised that George called her Mommy, although everyone in the orphanage called her that.

"Okay, children. Good night." Charlotte said, as she turned off the lights.

"Okay, boss! I will be going on a walk." she told the moustache guy, wearing a formal suit.

The boss nodded. Charlotte went out to take her mind off of things.

This was just the beginning of her journey. It all starts here...

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