Chapter 1: Appetite

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April 1965, Oakville Street

Charlotte went out for a walk, hoping to get her mind off things, mostly from her past. She remembered the cassette tape and it kept replaying over and over again in her head.

"Mommy, I know one day I will be gone. I will be up in the clouds. Up with Jesus. I will be an Angel! I will look down at you and take care of you! I love you, Mommy!"

Those sweet words kept on replaying in Charlotte's head over and over again.

I still can't believe she's gone... Charlotte thought gloomy.

Tears formed in Charlotte's eyes. She couldn't cry now, in the middle of the street full of crowded people anyway. She wiped them away and silently walked.

Charlotte stopped at Reinald's Bakery. Filled with yummy treats and baked goods. The smell of muffins baking made Charlotte feel hungry. She decided to stop by at the bakery.

"Hello, Ms. Wormwood. What a lovely pleasure! Nice to see you!" Chef Reinald, the French chef, bursted with excitement. Charlotte was his 'special' customer after all.

"Hello..." Charlotte replied. She glanced at all the muffins and cupcakes in the glass counter, making Charlotte even more hungry.

"Would you like a cupcake or a muffin? Chef Reinald asked.

"I would like a blueberry muffin, please." Charlotte replied.

"Dear Char, would you really want the usual? Or how about a delicious cupcake? Or I could give you both?"

"A muffin would be fine, thank you."

Chef Reinald just stared at her and the batches of muffins being baked. "Alright, dear. Whatever pleases you."

Chef Reinald baked two blueberry muffins for Charlotte, because he realizes something was off about her.

"Two muffins?" Charlotte asked, confused.

"Well, there is a special sale, Mademoiselle. Buy one, get another one for free. I know promoting that is silly, but worth it. Plus, you look a bit...tedious and sorrowful. Anything in your mind lately?"

"No...I'm okay. Thank you, sir."

Chef Reinald nodded. "Okay, have a great night, Mademoiselle!"

"You too." Charlotte replied.

Charlotte began biting into her muffin. She desired the chef's baking and always enjoyed interacting with him. They've been "best baking friends" for almost a lifetime.

Chef also attended Mary's funeral. He wasn't Mary's uncle or anything, but a great friend to her and Charlotte.

If only Mary was alive and living with me, she would enjoy this second muffin with me. A muffin night! Charlotte thought to herself. Mary loved muffins, especially blueberry ones, just like her mother.

They loved to buy muffins, eat muffins and especially, bake muffins. It was fun spending quality time with your daughter, having laughs and love everywhere.

Still glancing at the half-bitten muffin in her hand, Charlotte tries to get her mind off of her past. She takes little bites of the first muffin and saves the second muffin when she gets back to the orphanage.

She glanced at her watch. 9:45 PM.

Yikes, was I out this late? Charlotte thought and chuckled.

She kept walking and walking, until she reached the orphanage. Of course, her boss was there, looking at her. He chuckled and motioned for her to sit down.

Uh oh, Charlotte thought. Am I in trouble?

She walked into the boss's office. It was filled with a lot of certificates and pictures of the past orphans. One picture on his desk included him as a child.

There was also a cabinet of trophies and other valuable, cherished items desired by the boss and his family. They were wealthy and friendly people, open-minded to anything and anyone, no matter if they were different from them.

Charlotte noticed that there was a lot of new things added that she has never seen before. Despite being in his office a few times, she never notices the new stuff added.

The boss cleared his throat and motioned for Charlotte to sit down. He looked really exhausted.

"So, what is it you wanted to discuss with me?" Charlotte asked.

He cleared his throat again. "Ms. Wormwood. I realize you have been looking down. I thought you were a holly-jolly woman. Is there anything wrong?"

"No, not at all- I..."

"No need for excuses. One of the younger kids, George, told me you were crying. Anything been in your mind?"

"No, Mr. Fano. Everything has been alright. I love my job and I love all these kids.."

"Charlotte, I know this is hard for you and I hate to bring it up, but does it have something to do with...that night?"

"No. I'm totally fine, Mister. I wasn't crying at all. I bet the kids are making up fibs again."

"Okay, okay. That's all I was worried about. Have a good night and thank you for your time, Ms.Wormwood."

"Okay, good night, Mr. Fano."

Charlotte silently walked up to her room. It was on the first floor, with the younger kids (whom they trust and love so much and she has to keep an eye on them in case something bad happens at night).

Just as she was getting ready, she realized the second muffin was still there, untouched, in the white, fancy bag. She realized she was going to eat that muffin before heading to bed. But she decided to cherish it for the night and eat it tomorrow morning.

Charlotte prayed. "Dear Lord, Thank you for a great day. I'm so sorry for lying to my boss. I hope you can forgive me. Also, please keep my daughter safe into your arms. Amen."

She went on her bed and went fast to sleep. She also had a wonderful dream: blueberry muffins.

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