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The night air is a shocking difference from my warm blankets as I follow Penelope out of our tent, but it wakes me up. And what's even more shocking is the sound of distant screams, accompanied by people all around us, running towards the forest.

As soon as Fred and George emerge from their tent, I go to their sides, only to see that they look just as confused as I feel. They're both dressed in t-shirts and sweatpants like I am, their hair messy and sticking up in different places.

"We have to go help the Ministry," Mr. Weasley says to the twins and I, motioning to Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Penny, "so take the others and head straight to the forest. Stick together, and stay put! Do not go running around. I'll come find you when the coast is clear."

Leaving us still in total confusion, Mr. Weasley runs off. Fred looks at George and I with wide eyes for a moment before grabbing Ginny's hand and starting off towards the woods.

"Go," I instruct Harry, Ron, and Hermione, "We'll take up the back."

George takes my hand in his as we hurry after the others, but I'm too in shock and confused at what's going on around us to be able to enjoy it.

Once we actually near the woods, I realize just how many people had the same idea as us. There's too many people, and I struggle to keep a hold on George's hand as we stumble over tree roots and get bumped into by others running past us. There's also the fact that the lanterns from earlier are no longer lit, so the only light is from the bits of moonlight streaming in through the treetops.

Someone crashes into my side, and I feel my hand being torn out of George's as I fall to the ground.

"Katie!" I hear him shout from somewhere above me.

"George, c'mon!"

"No! Katie, she-"

It's too dark, and panic sets in as more people start running past, as there's more shouting and screaming from every direction, and even as I push myself up off of the ground, rubbing my throbbing arm, I can't see George, or any of the others.

More screams come from the direction of the tents, and goosebumps raise on my arms, from both the eeriness of the sounds and the cold breeze blowing through the trees.

I reach out for the nearest tree, stepping closer to it and straining my eyes for any sign of my friends, my chest tightening as the panic continues to set in.

Think, Katie, I tell myself. Should I stay put, or should I go and try to find them? After all, Mr. Weasley told us to stay put once we reached the forest, but he also told us to stay together. But if I stay here, alone, will whoever or whatever is out there come find me? What even is out there, and what does it want?

"Katie, is that you?"

My heart stops for a split second when I hear my name, but when I peer around the tree, I let out a deep breath when I see that it's Cedric, who also appears to be alone.

"Ced, thank Merlin."

"Why are you alone? Where's-"

I interrupt him as he steps closer to me, joining me at the tree.

"I lost them a little earlier. Mr. Weasley took the older boys and my sister to deal with whatever the hell is going on, and so the twins and I were in charge of the younger ones, but I don't know where they are now," I explain, my voice shaking slightly. I wish I knew what was going on, because maybe then I could know just how panicked to actually be.

There are a few bangs coming from the edge of the woods, and I see Cedric jump at the sudden noise.

"I don't know what's going on either, but I saw a big group of people marching around," he says, raising his voice slightly so that I'm able to hear him over all of the commotion, "What I do know is that my dad needed to go help, so he told me to come wait here. Do you wanna go find the Weasleys together?"

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