"I think we all would" Rosa mused before collecting the photos and placing them back in the file.

Cops always had a knack for knowing when to stop letting themselves focus on such painful things, it was how they survived. Eventually you got desensitized to some of the more common acts of violence, a quick drink on your way home was enough for you to push it into the back of your psyche. But a corpse without a tongue was something you could never quite erase from your conscience, no matter how many scotch and sodas you tried to down.

"You said you thought they had a headquarters, any luck finding somewhere?" he asked hoping to snap their collective thoughts away from the image he was sure they were all dwelling on.

"Not yet, on paper Olivia is a 'investor' in the loosest term of the word. She has money in a hundred business across New York"

"Money laundering?"

"Most likely, but she's hard to catch, some of these places have been investigated already and the fraud team couldn't find a thing, she even invests in political campaigns meaning she's friends with some people high up in office, she's both legit and criminal."

It was a game many crime lords played. Maintain an appearance of a wealthy and professional New Yorker and you can pull dodgy dealings in back rooms all night long. He lifted the surveillance photo of Olivia and lets his eyes scan over it in immense detail, as if he was committing every square inch to memory. It was taken through the blinds of an old run down diner which didn't help narrow down the location. They were two a penny all over the city though it was not exactly somewhere you'd expect to see a person like herself.

"Who took this?" He asked and both Amy and Rosa shrugged.

"Whoever was on the fraud team four years ago, it was dated but there was no location added" Rosa replied "they must've thought it irrelevant"

Jake rose to his feet and without another word they guided him straight to the Captain's office.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked, a slight tone of concern in her voice. Jake didn't answer, he was already urgently rapping his knuckles again the wooden door. He didn't wait for an answer and instead pushed it open and stepped boldly into the room. The Captain glanced up from his computer with a slight squint, he didn't get chance to say anything before Jake jumped into his request.

"I want you to put me on Santiago and Diaz's case" he uttered matter of factly.

Holt paused. Jake's sudden appearance had taken him by surprise but his statement had been expected. A case of this caliber is always on his radar but the details made him apprehensive towards assigning it to someone as passionate as Jake.

"Peralta" he began, his baritone filling the room "this case is complicated, it involves a lot of moving parts and I'm not sure if you're the right officer for this case"

"You know I'm the best guy for the job! We work great together as a team!" He cried, his arm motioning to the two other officers stood a few feet away from the still wide open door.

A gentle sigh fell from Holt's lips as he left his chair and walked towards the front of his desk "I know, how good an officer you are Peralta, but I worry that this case may be too personal for you."


"Because you struggle to separate your emotions and work at the best of time." He replied with finality "I fear investigating someone who has caused innocent people to go to jail will push you too far"

An echoing silence filled the small office. The two looked at each other as if waiting for them to speak as the air turned stale with unsaid sentiment. Jake turned and for a moment the Captain thought he was going to leave but instead he closed the door allowing the conversation to continue in private.

"Captain... I understand why you're worried, but my passion is what makes me a good cop. What those guys are going through is nothing like that happened to me, I lost days, they lost years. All I want is the chance to let them have the opportunity I got."

The atmosphere was thick with silence as the two shared a long stare. It wasn't tense with anger or discomfort but more care and emotions that the two felt for one another but couldn't express in words.

"I'm in a good place now" he said softly "I have things to care for, I have.... people to stay safe for" the blush creeping across his cheeks might have gone unnoticed if it wasn't for the Captain's keen eye. A slight smirk spread across his lips as he eyed the sheepish detective who was avoiding his gaze.

"So things are good with you and your new... friend" the coy smile only increased the heat rising across Jake's face, and he quickly began to leave.

"Okay that's it" he reached for the door causing the Captain to chuckle "I'm on the case that's all that matters!" He called to no one in particular as he made a b-line for the files placed on Amy's makeshift desk. Without a second thought he began flipping through the pages hoping to absorb every detail he could and catch up on the case.

"We need to get a list of every legit property and business investment she's made in the last five years, if she's had to move locations she's gonna move somewhere she trusts" Jake had risen to his feet, the excited spark in his eyes let the room know he was on board with whatever this case was ready to throw at him.

"The Captain really approved this?" Rosa asked tentatively.

"Of course" he replied as he scattered the pages further across the small desk searching for anything of value that they may have previously missed.

Both Amy and Rosa turned to leave but Diaz paused for a moment watching the way Jake was consuming the words in front of him with vigour. He didn't even notice her slowly approach him until she placed a hand on his shoulder and he turned to face her dark hooded eyes.

"Jake, just look after yourself on this case, okay?"

He turned to face her and squinted slightly in confusion. His expression slowly melted when he saw the intensity in her eyes and a gentle sigh left his lips.

"I will Rosa I promise but" he paused as his eyes lingered on the photo filled by the mop of dirty blonde hair "whoever made these guys confess deserves to pay. I'm gonna take every person in Olivia's operation down."

(A/N) dun dun duhhhhh! Well now we know what happened to Ronnie.... and more about what Drew and Olivia are capable of. Everything is gonna get pretty crazy from here on out so get ready!

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