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aera was on the brink of sleep when another facetime call from donghyuck interrupted her peace.

upon answering, he immediately asked where her face was.

"i don't have makeup on," she confessed, snuggling deeper into her comforter. "and my lights are off."

he made a face, disagreeing. "you look pretty with and without makeup."

she giggled at the compliment, quietly thanking him. "i'm just insecure."

donghyuck sighed, acknowledging her feelings and slightly relating. "if i could, i'd run over and attack you with my affection to let you know that you're amazing."

"jisung would absolutely murder you," she joked, imagining her brother's protective reaction.

"and that's exactly why i will not be doing that until i gain more muscle," he countered, equally amused by the notion.

"i don't care if you're physically strong or not," Aara reassured him, wondering why it would matter to him.

"exactly!" he exclaimed, his smile lighting up the screen. "that's what i'm saying about your makeup. now let me see those cute ass dimples."

adjusting the brightness of her phone, aera illuminated her face, revealing her dimples as she smiled.

"you're adorable," he giggled, genuinely charmed.

"thank you," she yawned, feeling the fatigue of the day creeping in.

sensing her exhaustion, donghyuck urged her gently. "okay, go to sleep. you have work early tomorrow."

"good night, hyuck," she murmured, already drifting off.

returning the sentiment, donghyuck bid her good night and ended the call, content in knowing he had brought a smile to her face.


it was 3:45 in the morning, and aera found herself bright-eyed and early, albeit begrudgingly, as she had to open for work in just fifteen minutes.

stepping out of her driveway, she spotted a familiar bright red car with an even more familiar figure seated in the driver's seat.

opening the door and sliding into the passenger seat, she asked him why he was up so early.

"because it's dark," donghyuck replied with a small smile, gesturing to the sky, which was still a murky shade of greyish-blue. "i didn't want you walking alone at night. it's dangerous."

"aw, that's sweet," aera pouted, lightly touching his cheek. "thank you."

donghyuck was momentarily taken aback by the gesture, but he quickly composed himself. "i need coffee," he declared, letting out a tired yawn.

"well then, what are you waiting for?" aera challenged playfully. "if you can get me there in ten, coffee's on me."

donghyuck smirked, knowing aera loved a good challenge, especially when it involved rewarding him for completing it.

"i only need five," he confidently replied, revving up the engine and speeding off towards the coffee shop.

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