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"what do you mean jeno's in our class?" jeongha hissed at her older friend, evident surprise and a hint of nervousness in her voice.

aera chuckled, observing jeongha's obliviousness to her crush's presence. "how could you miss him?"

"i don't know!"

aera, sensing jeongha's nerves, took hold of her clammy hands. "let's go."

as the two girls entered the classroom, jeno spotted them and waved them over. jeongha, leaning into aera, whispered an apprehensive plea, "no, please don't."

aera, understanding jeongha well enough, knew that if she didn't guide her friend towards a man, she'd never go on her own. with a subtle eye roll, aera dragged jeongha over to where jeno sat.

jeongha, with her tough exterior marked by piercings and a towering stature, often concealed her true feelings behind sarcasm and humor. despite her intimidating appearance, she found herself grappling with emotions she hadn't experienced in a while – a crush on lee jeno. his mere presence quickened her heartbeat, making her feel vulnerable.

terrified, jeongha opted to sit one seat away from him. aera, witnessing this move, shot her a deadpan expression, questioning, "really?"

aera positioned herself in the seat between jeongha and jeno, who greeted them warmly, "hi!" 

aera responded in kind and turned her head to face jeongha. "he doesn't bite," she teased, amused by jeongha's evident unease.

jeno, eager to dispel any discomfort, flashed an eye smile and even waved his hand. jeongha responded with a quick wave before diverting her attention to her backpack, attempting to retrieve her notebook.

aera, wanting to have a little fun, decided to playfully test her friend's composure. "hey jeno, want to go on another boba date?"

jeongha's head snapped up, glaring at aera, who maintained a mischievous smile. "oh, yeah!" jeno happily agreed. "we haven't gone on one in a while, and you owe me anyway."

jeongha continued to scowl, keeping her reaction discreet. aera pressed on, "great!"

jeno, unaware of the underlying dynamics, suggested adding them to a group chat for jisung's birthday party planning. aera seized the opportunity, placing her hand on jeno's shoulder. "lee jeno, my dear. i am jisung's older sister. why would i not want to be in a group chat involving throwing a birthday bash for my baby brother?" she declared with feigned obviousness.

jeno considered for a moment before shrugging, "true. i'll add jeongha and haneul too."

meanwhile, jeongha was on the verge of a meltdown, not just from jeno's amiable nature but also simply because he knew her name. as jeno continued chatting, jeongha struggled to contain her inner turmoil, the crush on full display, hidden behind her usual stoic exterior.

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