Hellhawk attack

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Meanwhile down below in the throne room

Maia: i don't understand, they led us here, where's the source?

Kong: *notices his axe glowing* Hm?

Spitka: *gasp* HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE!!

Phoenix: What are you talking about?

Spitka: just my thoughts..

Maria: Kong, why your axe is glowing?

Kong: not sure...*notices the ground part shaped like the axe* hmm *places his axe on the pattern*

Then, it starts to glow brighter, charging by absorbing radiation from the core, the axe forms a large pattern in the form of Godzilla's species

Spitka: Woah!

Maria: It's the axe, it's drawing radiation from the core, like it's charging. Incredible!

back up in Hong Kong

Godzilla: *notices his dorsal plates glowing with no reason* what the?? Hm... *rises up and his dorsal plates starts to glow and so his throat and his almost entire body and fires his atomic breath straight into the ground*

 *rises up and his dorsal plates starts to glow and so his throat and his almost entire body and fires his atomic breath straight into the ground*

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Mark: what in the hell????

In the base

Walter: woah! Godzilla's responding! They found the source

Clark: excellent!

down below in the throne room, Apex men deployed a spider droid to extract the sample

Spitka: *lowers his head, as he looks at the machine* Huh?

Maria: what are you doing?

Maia: extracting a sample

Maria: But that's the ancient thing! You can't do that!

Maia: yes, we can, my father and Mr Nelson always get what they want, that is Apex's property now

Phoenix: Apex property? I don't like this

Ren: *detects* energy signature incoming, we should be able to recreate it soon

as Apex was recieving the sample, a heated debate erupted back down below

John: i won't stand for this, you can't just--

Maia: shoot them, they've served their purpose

The men aim their rifles and John, Maria and Jia, but that makes Kong angry, even Spitka and Phoenix

Jia: *hugs Maria's leg afraid*

Kong, Spitka and Phoenix roars at them in anger

Phoenix: Don't hurt them!

Spitka: Step away from the mother and child!

Kong: Don't. Hurt. JIA!!!!!

the area around them begins to rumble

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