Entering The Hollow Earth

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a fleet of helicopters and Ospreys carried Kong in a net over the icy lands towards the new Monarch facility, the Hollow Earth Launch station

John: we're nearly there! 

when they arrived, the aircraft safely dropped Kong, waking him up and looking around

Kong: *notices Jia watching him and walks to her* 

Jia: *signs* "enter the hole, don't worry, we'll be right behind you"

Kong looked at the entrance and back at Jia

Kong: *signs* "Are you sure?"

Jia: *signs* "yes, Kong, We'll be with you"

Kong: *snorts* alright then *moves towards the entrance*

John: he's going! Everyone to the HEAVs!

The team quickly rushed to the three HEAVs and strapped themselves in

John: all HEAVs launch!

the three HEAVs took off and followed Kong into the tunnel

Maia: *points* there he is

the HEAVs fly and see Kong swinging through the tunnel like a jungle

Maia: are you sure the monkey's gonna survive this?

John: he'll be fine, it's us i'd worry about, we'll be launched over 1000 miles in two seconds, till the gravity inverts itself and spits us into free fall, it'll be the most amazing thing you've ever seen. Here *hands Maia a barf bag* 

Maia: what??

Kong: *swings but the rock breaks* uh oh! *falls* wooaaah!!!

the HEAVs dive down towards Kong as he falls


John: hold on!

Maria: *grips Jia's hand*

as Kong fell into the vortex, so did the HEAVs, they travelled at lightning speed with immense flashing and distorted screaming, then they finally entered the Hollow Earth, exiting the vortex and falling down.

As Kong fell along with the HEAVs, two familiar Titans spotted them. Wanna who are those Titans? Well, it's none other than Spitka and Phoenix themselves

Spitka: is that a monkey?

Phoenix: Yeah and are those rocks?

Kong: *falls and turns to see John looking right at him as he was falling*

John: WOAH!

Kong: Oh boy! *tries to grab on*

The gravity inverted and the HEAVs "fell" upwards

John: *screams*

as the Pilots struggled to gain control, Kong slid down a mountain trying to slow his descent but grabbed onto a ledge seeing the HEAVs fall.

John: reverse gravity propulsion!!

The HEAVs engaged their booster rockets and reached the ground but are they. It seems it covered by the trees.

Spitka: Where are they?

the HEAVs fly over the trees with Kong following behind

Spitka and Phoenix: WOAH! *ducks*

Spitka: Are you thinking what I am thinking?

Phoenix: *nods* I'm thinking what you're thinking

Spitka: And we're thinking the same thing!

the HEAVs fly following Kong towards as he jumped through the beautiful and treacherous landscape

Kong: it's so beautiful

John: Woah!

Pilot: Uh, I think we have visitors

Maia: where?

Pilot: Behind us

Maia: is it friendly? Please tell me...

The HEAVs turned around and see Spitka and Phoenix

Spitka: *sniffs and hisses*

John: Uh...

They turn around as Kong came running at them

Phoenix roars at him causing him to stop

Kong: *beats chest*

Spitka rattles his tail, making himself look fearless

John and Maria recognize those Titans

Maia: Shoot them!

Maria: no wait, their friendly!

Maia: What are you talking about!?

John: that's right, those are Spitka and Phoenix!

Maia: And...?

John: shooting them would be stupid

Jia: *signs* "Let me talk to them"

HEAV pilot: *to Maia* ma'am, what should we do?

Jia came forward and tries to communicate them

Jia: *signs* "Can you let me go outside?"

Maria: *signs* "not without me"

Jia smiles at her and went out

The Titans look at one of the HEAVs about to land

Phoenix: What the...?

Kong: *sees them*

Jia: *signs* "Look, we just wanted to get to the power source"

Phoenix: What is she saying?

Spitka: Wait, I know this one Spitka taps his tail to the ground, communicating her

John: incredible

Spitka taps to the ground, communicating in Morse code

Spitka: *signs* "What do you mean?"

Jia: *signs* "we're trying to safely look for a power source, the world is in danger from Godzilla"

Spitka: *signs* "Godzilla!? What's wrong with our alpha?"

Kong: *to Spitka* according to them no one knows, but they are searching for a power matching his so they can stop him

Spitka: I'm not okay with this.

Phoenix: Can you tell her that is there anything to help?

Kong: *signs* "is there anything they can do to help us?"

Jia: *signs* "Mom?"

Maria: *signs* "I think they can come with us, who knows what may be a threat down here"

Jia: *signs* "They can, Kong"

Kong: *looks to both of them* you can come with

Spitka: Thanks. Sorry for the behavior though. We didn't want some trouble, uh...?

Kong: Kong, King Of Skull Island

Spitka: Spitka, The Prince Of Earth

Phoenix: Phoenix, Goddess of Fire

Spitka: Still, we're very sorry

Kong: it's okay, let's get moving

Spitka: You got it! since Monster Island disappeared, we both just settled down here in the Hollow Earth for the past two years

Kong: Can you lead us the way?

Spitka: Sure!

Godzilla Vs Kong (AU Version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ