Episode 10. Friends of the past and little corruption.

Start from the beginning

Elis: From one to ten. How hard are the exam?

Noah: Like 12.5 hard as fuck.

Students: *chuckles*

Teacher: I don't like your humor.

Noah: And I don't like you at all. So we got that going huh?

Teacher: *annoy*

Noah: But keep in mind. Once you past the exams. You'll become a Cadet. You'll be train by Rangers such as myself and Ms Talulah here. You'll be doing drift simulations, you'll be train in the art of hand to hand combat and weapons by use.

Student: How long does the training last?

Noah: Well originally it lasted six months. But now it last one full year.

Student: That's too long! It feels like I'm going to a military school!

Noah: It's not as bad as it look. You get pay a lot. You get life time insurance on practically everything. There's a lot of good things about becoming a Jaeger Pilot. Not to mention you pilot a Jaeger. And I have to tell you. Went your in a Jaeger. You can fight against the hurricanes and win. It feels like your a god. Now who wants to enter?

Students: ME!!!

Noah: That was easy.

Time skip. End of class.

Teacher: Your homework well be finishing page 89 to page 94. Have it done by tomorrow.

As the student leave the class.

Ethan: Hey. Where is Noah?

They saw Noah been surrounded by many students.

Student: Can I have your autograph?!

Student2: Can I take a picture with you?!

Noah: Sorry. Not today.

While Talulah was also surrounded by students.

Student: Oh my god, your so tall and beautiful.

Student2: Are those horns real and tail real?

Talulah: Um.....

Noah: Maybe we should-

Elis: Noah!

Time skip.

2 minutes later.

Noah was walking with Ethan, Asher and Elis. While Talulah was in the back.

Ethan: I can't believe it's been almost three years. And you haven't even try to call us. We try to call you, but the phone number no longer exist.

Noah: Sorry. Went I became a Cadet. Things were hard. They put me to training none stop everyday.

Elis: You really didn't have time for even a small five minute chat?

Noah: I try to make time. But time was the only thing I didn't have. And after I became a Ranger. Things became more fucking difficult. Like 40 times more difficult. I have to train Cadets everyday while also fighting Kaijus.

Asher: Hey man. Don't sweat it. We saw all your fights against every Kaiju. You never lost. Well except that time Ghidorah almost kill you. You almost kill us too.

Noah: What?

Ethan: Obsidian Fury landed in the bunker that me and Asher were. Lucky you didn't kill us.

Asher: Also. The way you smile at that time. Holly shit. It's scare the fuck out of us.

Noah: You saw the Beast.

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