Chapter 20 | "Teaming Up"

Start from the beginning

"In other words, we really "can't" kill the adults." Norman thought.

"My only option is to live within these grounds. That's why I really want to make the best out of what I have. I want to spend the rest of my days as a mother, even if it's all fake. I would love to live in a cozy little home with a cozy family filled with innocently adorable children who will all love me unconditionally. And that's why I must get rid of Isabella. I must erase her. If you children successfully make your escape, Isabella will be forced to take responsibility for it all. My dream will actually come true!! That's why I won't do anything to get in your way. Run away as far as you'd like. It'll do nothing but benefit me in the end." Sister Krone explained.

"You won't... Ship us out? Us, the targets?" Gilda asked.

"I won't. Come, let us become partners! We share one common target, and that is Isabella alone! Let's work together to drag her down." Krone said.

"It's true that our ultimate goals do match..." Don thought.

Everyone remained silent. The only sounds being the birds and the wind blowing through the trees.

"Wrong. It's not that she won't ship us out she actually can't. She can't rat us out without proof. She has no power to ship us out. The demons trust Mama a whole lot more than Sister Krone. That's why she had no choice...but to approach the targets themselves." Norman thought.

"That's right. I've approached them to get some definitive proof. In the end, I'll make sure to eliminate all of these annoying brats along with Isabella! By the end, I'll also have obtained my new status as "Mama". This is my true objective! Well, still...perhaps this kid in particular may have already realized my true aim. Heck, I'm pretty certain he has." Sister Krone thought.

"If this lady's true objective was to actually help us escape, she had no need to approach us. All she had to do was to keep quiet and help us behind the scenes when we needed it. She's already revealed so much unnecessary information to us. She clearly wants to gain our trust. Once we trust her enough to give her some kind of definitive evidence against us... This woman will not hesitate to eliminate us all. She screwed up with Gilda, so she had to approach all of us next. It'll be a great bonus if she manages to obtain her evidence. But if she doesn't and we successfully make our escape, she still gets to defeat Mama. Isn't that right, Sister Krone?"

Norman looked up at the woman who just smiled.

"You may already know my true aim...but does that give you any other choice? You kids have no option but to partner up with me. Otherwise, I'll simply do all I can to sabotage all of your plans."

"I see how it is. Using each other to the maximum effect. I don't dislike it at all."

Sister Krone extends her hand to Norman.

"Come on. Let's form an alliance!"

"I'm fine with that. However... We'll be the only ones using you." Norman thought.

The white haired boy then went to shake the woman's hand but was stopped when Emma said...


Everyone turned to her.

"I agree with Norman's final decision. But there's one thing I just want to make sure of with you, Sister Krone."

"What is it, dear?" The woman asked.

"Where's the proof that you won't betray us?"

"Oh, it looks like you haven't learned to trust me yet." Sister Krone said.

(Y/N) went to Emma's side and placed a hand on her shoulder, she nodded at Emma.

"Just tell us!"

"It's Ray. If Ray mentions a single thing about our interaction just now to Isabella, I can easily be crushed. But if I reveal Ray's true intentions to her, I can just as easily crush you all. Hence, both sides will be at a statement. Is that a good enough reason for you?" The woman said.

"...Fine." Emma finally agrees.

"It's a deal then." She shakes Norman's hand. "After all... It was all thanks to you two making such a ruckus back on that day... That I was able to identify who my specific targets are."

All of their eyes widened, Don and Gilda were horrified.

"Talk to you later, kids!" She waved and walked away.

"Don't let any of it get to you. I'm glad this all happened. Now we won't even have to worry about distracting Sister Krone while we go on our investigation!" Norman told them.

"Norman's right. Now all we need is for Ray to make sure that Mama remains preoccupied during the entire mission." Maiko says.

"Make the best out of what I have"...?"

"That's why I really want to make the best out of what I have."

"She was one of us! She knows what it's like...and yet... How could she seriously think that a lifetime of raising a line of kids to eventually kill in the end... Is the "best" thing she could do? "Cozy"? "Pure"? Humane?" Emma questioned, the anger in her voice rising.

"Love"? "Family"? "Motherhood"?"

"That woman...doesn't care about any of us at all!" The girl exclaims.

"I agree. She likely plans to ship us out in the end, as initially planned. The only reason why she doesn't right simply because she has no proof, power, or credibility. In uglier terms, the minute she gets her hands on any one of these three things..." Norman trailed off.

"She'll definitely betray us in the blink of an eye." Maiko finished. The others then turned to look at her. "Power and credibility...are surly things that cannot be easily obtained. So as long as we prevent her from getting any evidence against us... She will have no choice but to let us go. Both sides know exactly what's going on." She says.

Norman nods. "It may not be a genuine one, but let's carry on with this "alliance" for the moment."


"Come right in." Sister Krone opens her bedroom door to Norman, Maiko, (Y/N), and Emma.


What is it that you want to ask about?

...CH. 20/END

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