The Second Compromise

Start from the beginning

'It was never going to be a secret.'

"Never mind I see they've already found out." I said, standing up to deal with that. DC put her hand on my shoulder.

"Dad. You are handling the war. I am handling my siblings. That was the agreement we made." She said. I sighed, sitting back down.

"Fine. I don't like it, but fine." I said. DC smiled.

"Good. Now I will go explain why the bill has been reintroduced to Congress, and hopefully get a compromise planned, although since the bill isn't necessary like the one making Missouri a state, I might just let them take it out of Congress." She said.

"Thanks DC." I said. She smiled.

"You're welcome. Now go end this war. Please because I don't want to deal with my angry siblings forever. Remember I do this because I love you, not because I like it."



"I'm so glad this war is over." I said. Now all I had to worry about was getting the Senate to approve the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, figure out how I was going to use all the new land, organizing new territories, and creating new states. A short, easy list of tasks. At least the Wilmot Proviso, the bill that had been causing me trouble wasn't around.

"Hello Dad, they're trying to add the Wilmot Proviso to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo." DC said, walking into my office. I groaned. I spoke too soon it seems.

'Why? Why are they trying to add that troublesome document to our peace treaty.'

'This is going to be an annoying Senate battle, isn't it?'

"Third time! Haven't they accepted the fact that that bill is not going to pass?" I asked. DC shrugged.

"I guess not. They're stubborn, just like the rest of us." DC remarked.

'No matter how different Americans are, we will always be united by our ridiculous stubbornness.'

"How wonderful." I muttered sarcastically.

"Yes, it is wonderful. Especially now that you don't have to worry about a war and will be joining me in Congress." DC said. I groaned.

"Let's go then. I've missed being yelled at by Congress." I said. DC raised an eyebrow.



"We both know I'm being sarcastic." I said as we left for the capital. I walked up the steps and headed for the Senate, mentally preparing myself to deal with a bunch of arguing men, and the occasional comment directed toward DC for her gender.

"Well at least it's the Senate and not the states. We don't have to break up fistfights here." DC said. I laughed.

'Not yet at least.'

"And I am incredibly thankful for that." I said before walking into the Senate, "Why are we attempting to add a bill that has failed twice to our peace treaty with Mexico?"



"Alright we have five separate bills created with the aim of getting you guys to calm down about the new territories and about the fight over slavery. Mexican Cession is going to get her old name back and become the state of California, and we'll be creating the Utah and New Mexico territories from the rest of the land we got from Mexico. Is anyone upset with that?" I asked as I began reviewing the bills that were making up this compromise with the states.

A Civil Disagreement (Countryhumans American Civil War)Where stories live. Discover now