'How were we supposed to stop it?'

'She's upset. A tragedy just happened in her state. She's lashing out.'

'And we need to help her.'

"Ginny, oh my god, Ginny, how bad is it? How many people are dead?" North Carolina asked. Virginia started crying harder.

"I don't know, I don't know." She cried, "My people are dying and I don't know...I need you to help me Father."

I snapped out of my shock. Now wasn't the time for it. I wasn't sure what I could do. Virginia and her militias might have to deal with putting down the insurrection on her own.

"I...I'm not sure how fast my people will be able to get down there-if they can even get down there, but I'll see what I can do." I told Virginia. It wasn't a good answer, but it was the only one I could give. I had no idea if I would be able to get people in Virginia before the insurrection is over, or-god forbid-gets worse.


Virginia POV

I took a shaky breath. My people were being massacred, dying, because a bunch of slaves decided to kill them. And all Father said was that he could do his best. Is he serious? My people are dying!

"Pa, are you sure you can't do anything?" North Carolina asked. She had to be worried. The county this massacre is talking place in is right next to her. Her people could die too! Sad had to do something. Saying that he would try to help wasn't enough.

It's not like he had to get Congress involved. Even if he did, the North would probably continue to pretend they don't like slavery for moral reasons, and is this as an excuse for why slavery was wrong, even if they just hated slavery for economic ones. They're a bunch of hypocrites.

"Father! You can't just leave me to deal with this you have to do something. They killed children! They killed people who were kind to slaves. I heard one of them say that they had to kill all the white people! You can't expect me to deal with this on my own!" I told him, tears coming our harder.

North Carolina came over to hug me while Father looked conflicted. Why did he look conflicted? My people were dead, my people were dying! He had to do something, anything, that would put a stop to the murder and death in Southampton County.

"I...I...can't promise anything. I want to help...but I can't be sure the government will help. You know we're our people, not our governments. I want to help you Ginny, but...but I don't know when I'll be able to help." He said.

"How about you help before more of my people die?" I snapped before going to leave. If Father wasn't going to be here for me, then I could at least be their for my people.

"Where are you going?" North Carolina asked.

"To help my people. Something you should be doing Father." I said before bringing myself back to my land, back to my county. Even if I was a girl, I would stand by my people and my militias and make sure that this massacre was stopped.

Father may have a lot to manage with all of my siblings, but that didn't mean he couldn't help me. My people were in danger, my people were dying, and Father didn't want to do anything? These were his people too, not just mine

I'll try wasn't a good answer.


August 23, 1831

I walked through the town, feeling the quiet shock and grief of the atmosphere. No one had expected an attack by the slaves. No one expected a massacre on this scale. Over 50 of my people have been killed in this massacre. 

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