Chapter 18 : My everything that i have

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I will tell him everything once i got home.

I was on my thoughts suddenly a big navy blue van stopped in front of me, i gasped as few mens comes out from the van and grabs my arms which made me drop my bags.

No one was there as it was a empty alley, I tried to fight and kick them and I kicked one of them hard on it's balls and bite the other one then run and hide behind a dumpster.

Okay Jimin-ah now time to use your skills that appa use to taught you when you were kid.

I was watching there every moves as they were finding me and to my bad luck one of them caught me but I fight him, I punched his face hard as he fell down, the other guy tries to hit me from behind with a wooden stick but i dodged and grabbed the stick and hit him hard as I was fighting them one of them put a cloth fabric on my mouth.

I tried my best to fight but the chloroform was doing it's work as i slowly faints and next thing i know i was in air as they lifted me and put me in there van and driving god knows where, i closed my eyes just imagining my kookie's face cause i know he will come to protect me.


And then everything was black.


I was done with my work and it was already evening, i was waiting for Jimin cause he was late, I tried to call him but he left his phone at home, i was getting so worried.

"Aish Jiminie come back home soon baby..."

Suddenly I hear the door ring as i got up from the couch and went to the door, wanting to see my baby mochi but when i open my door whom i saw shocked me.


"Hey Jungkook! Long time no see?" Kai said awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?!" I crossed my arms and said coldly.

Kai sighs then went inside, pushing me a little bit.

"Before you say anything, hear me out Jungkook..." kai said as i sighs and close the door.

He then sat down and i sat aswell.

"So what is it?"

"First i am sorry for everything, everything i and irene did."

"I don't care, just leave..." i said coldly.

"Listen Jungkook.. i never meant to betray you, i was just so much in love with Irene and she was so much in love with position as a mafia queen and y'know that too." Kai said as i sigh.

"Kai it's too late-"

"No it's not! I want my bestfriend back Jungkook-ah, i miss you and Irene is getting crazy, you have to stop her before she gets more further, you have to help me."

"Are you seriously asking for my help?" I scoffs.

"I know you're mad at me and at us but i know you will help aswell cause Irene is planning on kidnapping Jimin-"

"WHAT?!" I stood up and death glares at him.

"Yeah-" he got cut off as his phone rung, he picked it talk then look at me with apologetic look.

"I'm sorry..."

"What happened?" I grabbed his collar looking at him angrily.

"Irene have kidnapped Jimin and they aren't telling me where is he..." he looks down as I punched him.

"Kook-ah please trust me, i really wanna help you, please i want my wife back, we can't have our baby back and it wasn't your fault but please Jungkook help..." kai said looking down and i sighs.

"Fine, i will help you but I swear if it's one of you traps-"

"No it's not trap and you can trust me." Kai smiles as i nods.

Seems like it's time for me to join mafias back cause for fighting with irene i need my team back.

I then call Namjoon.

"Namjoon hyung i am coming back, please arrange a meeting with all the members."


So what do you think about Jimin's past?

And are you excited to meet rest of the members?

Till then love bugs <3

My Bodyguard || JikookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz