Chapter 14

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Narcissa POV
Waking up has never been more difficult my face was so warm and I was so comfortable wait who's hand is that? I chuckled slightly because Bella had her hand on my face and Hermione was nuzzling my arm I almost died out of cuteness who new that Bella liked to cuddle so much and who new that Hermione could be that cute while sleeping. I untangle my self from Hermione's death grip and decided to let her sleep I checked the time 8:27 well might as well do breakfast. The small place we were in was nice it was like an apartment in the tower well considering this is Hogwarts, about halfway into cooking Hermione came in and hugged me from behind and placed her head in the back of my neck "good morning little lion did you sleep well?" I asked she responded with an Mhm "I'm more concerned on how you slept after yesterday" oh Merlin why now "um it was nice I'm fine now" she gave me a sceptical look "well what do we have *yawn* here?" Bella came in "well I-" plop a large barn owl dropped a letter onto the table.

Bellatrix POV
While Cissy was making pancakes Hermione read the letter and she looked pale "Hermione love what's wrong?" Narcissa laid down the plates with pancakes "my parents have been invited here for a meeting with professor McGonagle" a tear slid down her face "oh umm would you like me and Cissy to come with you?" She nodded and we ate our food silently when getting ready ready I don't know if I did this on purpose but I looked like I was going on a mission contrary to my usual outfit I didn't wear my usual dress no I had black jeans with my knife showing out of the ankle holster and a T-shirt with a black leather jacket with my wand strapped to my thigh so I looked pretty badass overall. Hermione looked cute and innocent with her casual wear and Narcissa just looked like the definition of rich, Hermione led us to McGonagals office were her parents were waiting they both sat while I stood "ah yes now let's talk about Hermione yes?".

Hermione POV
Oh god oh god what is happening I shouldn't be this nervous. They were putting on fake faces of concern I was scared out of my mind
"Now Hermione has been making excellent strides but has a um tendency to do-" professor started but my mother interrupted "idiotic things I'm guessing?" Bella scowled mother looked at me "no mother" I said "it's those friends of yours and for the record who are these two?" My father asked Cissa turned to them "we are two people who take care of Hermione who are you?" Cissa spoke father turned to me "Hermione what did we say about keeping your "condition" under control?" "Condition?" Bella asked still scowling "father I've told you being a lesbian isn't a disease" Bella jerked her head to the door to the professor she simply nodded and left "Hermione your coming home we'll send you to a better school one we're you can get help!" mother said father tried to grab me but Bella grabbed his hand "she isn't going anywhere not with you or that bitch she calls a mother" she growled "you don't have a choice in the matter we are her parents!!" mother yelled Narcissa pulled me aside and held me close "do you think the Ministry will let me off for this one?" Bella had her knife against my father's s throat Narcissa's wand to my mothers I stepped in "Bella leave them let them wallow in self pity on how they failed to raise a daughter if I'm that much of a disappointment" Bella pushed my father and mother out of the doors of the office and hugged me with me still in Cissas arms the door flew open "Hermione are you ok?!?".
Can we also acknowledge the death of Helen McCory the actress of Narcissa Molfy in the Harry Potter series died on the 16th of April 2021 while battling cancer at the age of 52 Helen you will be deeply missed and cherished in our hearts.

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