Chapter 6 captured

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Hermione POV
BANG "they found us all death eaters to the front!" All three of us jolted awake there was banging screaming and yelling I was terrified Bella quickly changed so did Narcissa "Hermione stay in here I'll put Draco in here to what ever you hear do not come out" Narcissa warned as Draco came in the door. Cissa and Bella gave me a kiss on the head and hid me and Draco "what the hell is happening" I whimpered as Draco sat down "it's a sudden attack know one knows we just have to wait" but then I heard an ear piercing scream it was Cissy "Narcissa!" I screamed as I ran out the door Draco tried to catch me but was to slow I ran down to we're I heard the screaming Bella was crouched over her with bloody hands holding her sister "Hermione stay there we're coming!" I head someone yell it was Ron I ignored him snd went to were Cissa lay she was breathing but unconscious "they hit her with a really bad cruciatis curse I tried to block it" she wept I was going to help her but "Hermione she's dangerous get away from her!" Dammit Ron leave me alone.

Bellatrix POV
They hurt my Cissy and try to take away my lion what is happening "Bella it hurts" " I know I know just don't move ok you're gonna be ok" "why won't it stop?" My heart hurt so much from hearing this I didn't have long until "there  restrain her don't kill her got it" there were auror's everywhere then ropes shot out trying to keep me down "no no stop she's hurt I need to help her let me go now" "get the Malfoy" one of them ordered wait Hermione! Were is she that weasel has her I need to ugh these fucking chains. As I struggle to be let go one of those dickheads come up to me "well your not getting away this time" and black.
————————————————————————hello my guys gals and none-binary pals I hope you like the story so far im gonna sleep it's probably 2:00 in the morning any feedback is okey buyyye

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