Chapter 10 freedom

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Narcissa POV
I was chained to the seat it was very uncomfortable I could feel the loose splinters of wood against my hands "Narcissa black you have been brought brfoyus today to discuss your reason for serving the dark lord" he huffed "do you have a speaker for you or will you self prosecute?" God how did Bella do this on her own. I can feel all of the eyes staring at me "actually sir I have decided to speak for Mrs Black" Hermione chimes in "very well continue" she breathed in "my reasoning for Mrs blacks release is because off her ex husband Lucius Malfoy she did not have a choice weather or not she could serve him. She served the dark lord because it was to protect her family such as her son who was also forced into this cursed life and" she walked up to me "she does not bare his mark and she has had no intention to hurt anyone" there was murmuring among the court "the court has come to a conclusion Narcissa Venus black shall be..." "set free on no right self control" the chains loosed and disappeared Hermione held my hand while no one was looking we were going to see Bella we were free finally free.

Bellatrix POV
Despite the dementors when Hermione and Cissy came I was so... happy yes happy "we won Bella we finally won we can go home" Hermione came and I pressed my four head to hers I looked at the dementors "you can't take me this time I'm finally free, soul sucking bastards" Mione and Cissy laughed at me "uhhh Bella" "yes" "can you take us home please?" Cissy asked I nodded and brought us back to the Black manor it felt better to be home well somewhere other than Azkaban really.

Hermione POV
"Come Mione upstairs we shall go to my room" I grabbed Bella's hand it was cold but I got a warm feeling from it, we soon made it up all the stairs we soon reached her room Narcissa behind me Bella closed the door behind us amd soon I was pinned against the door.

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