Chapter 1 Left behind

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Hermione POV
The chandelier crashes to the polished wooden floor I struggle to get out of her no it's grasp Harry try's to hold but just mouthed a sorry and let go I was pulled back and ended up on the floor with her on top of me the floor was cold but her grasp was colder with her sharp talon like nails digging into my already sore skin. "We are going to have so much fun mudblood" she said in a evil cackle "no please i can't" I pleaded but she just laughed and took out her knife and cut more lines into my aching flesh for at least twenty minutes "Narcissa my dear sister care to join" the ravenette offered I looked at her in pain with tears spilling out of my eyes "I think she's had enough Bella" she counters "but I was just staring to have some fun" Bellatrix pouted but complied and got of I curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably "what should we do with her" Narcissa asked " well obviously we should get info out of her duh" Bella commented "well I'll take her to a room" said Narcissa "are you sure she's a mudblood" "yes Bella I'm sure why don't you go torture a rabbit or something". "Fine if you say so" and with that I was picked up into Narcissa's arms witch was very comfortable.

Narcissa's POV
The poor girl she looks so scared "why do you care?" she asked "what?" I said "why do you care for me, what your doing is probably an order or something?" she explained "no I'm doing this cause you don't deserve what just happened" I answered she didn't say anything she did however nuzzle her head into my neck I could feel the tears from her face on my neck I carried her to my room me and Lucius slept in different bedrooms. She was still awake I sat her on the bed she looked tired "do you want a shower" I spoke softly but she still flinched "hey hey it's ok-" "Narcissa dear where did you put that mu- WHAT ARE YOU DOING."

Hermione POV
Shit she's back and she's pissed all I hear is yelling. Now I'm hiding under the bed not very effective but that's what I did at home before my dad found me. "Narcissa you can't be serious!" Bella screamed "Bella have you thought for once that not everything is about torturing people!" "I don't care I just need her for a small while we're is she" they looked around until they saw me under the bed curled up in a ball. "Hermione c'mon your gonna be okay" "No" I sobbed trying to block her out "listen you filthy pest get out here now!" She screamed "Bella please, Hermione I promise she won't hurt you please come out so we can heal you" she sounded like she genuinely cared for my safety but I doubt it no one cares for me figured that out when I was born but I figured Bella would come under to grab me so I came out "lovely come muddy I need you" she went to grab me but she was stopped "Bella I don't think she's up for anymore pain she's had enough" "sister I'm not getting into this right now" she turned away but Narcissa grabbed her "Bella please you hurt her so you should heal her as an apology,... please for me." She gave in "Fine I'll heal her" she groaned "thank you" and Narcissa's squeezed her hand Bella then came up to me and sat me down "strip" she said "what" "you heard me."
Well that ended ok I guess tell me any errors or mistakes I would love the feedback byeee

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