Chapter 12

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Azriel's POV

Azriel gazed at Gwyn's departing figure, his brain addled. He didn't know what he was feeling, didn't know why his shadows were acting the way they were acting, and nor did he know why he felt alive.

Before he could let himself overthink, he got up from the chair, groaning and stretching his cramped neck. Though his sleep had been fitful, he was glad he had slept. Azriel had promised Rhys that he would help with the final preparations of the mating ceremony, and he needed to be fresh and merry for what was gonna be the happiest day of his brother's life.

Lifting his wings and walking to his room, he collapsed on his bed. He knew he should go oversee the preparations but he couldn't convince himself to. The memory of Gwyn's laugh at his unintentional and horrifying grunt was playing over and over in his head. 

He couldn't help the small smile that came to his face then, and he buried his head in the pillows embarrassedly. 

He didn't know what was wrong with him. 

He lay in bed for about an hour, trying to sleep again but miserably failing. After another half an hour, he gave up.

Getting up and changing into some clean clothes, he walked out of his room to see Nesta quietly shutting the door of her dark room. When Nesta looked at him, he saw complete and utter panic on her face and he opened his mouth in apprehension, meaning to ask her what was wrong but she put a finger to her lips and gestured for him to follow her.

Confused, he followed her to the dining room, where she shut the door behind her quietly. As soon as it clicked close, Nesta burst out, "I don't have a dress for the ceremony!" 

There was such panic on her face that Azriel couldn't help his quiet chuckle. Before he could let his own surprise administer at him laughing, Nesta stomped to him and slapped him on the arm, hard. He gave her a dirty look and rubbed his arm.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asked exasperatedly, and she glowered at him. "Give me a gown."

Azriel looked at her ridiculously, fighting the smile his lips were pulling into. I'm in a really good mood today, he thought.

"And why, may I ask, have you presumed I have a stash of hidden gowns with me?!"

"I don't know!" 

Azriel shook his head sorrowfully. "You'll have to go naked then."

Nesta gave him a death glare. "Now's not the time for jokes! I need a gown, and I need it now, and I need you to do something about it!"

"Should I take you to Mor?" He inquired. "She'd probably have the hidden stash you thought I-" He continued but Nesta interrupted him. "Yes, take me to her right now." 

And without waiting for a reply, she grabbed his sleeve and viciously pulled him to the balcony. Throwing herself into his arms, she told him, "Move it!"

Muttering under his breath about dominating Fae females, he bent down on his knees, preparing for take off, when he heard Gwyn's voice yell out from behind them. "Wait!"

Azriel froze unintentionally, exhaling a breath and turning around with Nesta still in his arms to see her upset face.

Nesta gasped melodramatically and ran to Gwyn, jumping out of his arms. He looked over Gwyn's body in alarm then, blowing out a relieved breath when he realized she wasn't hurt. Then he saw that Gwyn was holding a beautiful teal dress in her hands, and then he saw that the sleeves had been torn off and the front was ripped and was hanging to the rest of the dress with pieces of thread.

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