Chapter 9

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Gwyn's POV

Gwyn couldn't stop thinking about Azriel's hand in hers as Cassian flew her up to the House of the Wind. He would go get Nesta next and Rhys had already taken Emerie back to her house at the Illyrian war camp. She and the girls had spent the night in Rhys's mansion and had given themselves a tour of the house when everyone else went to sleep.

But that was at midnight, after Azriel had left her hand and had launched into the air without a word.

They had stood there, fingers laced, for at least about two hours in contented silence before her hand had started sweating. But even then Azriel hadn't let go. 

And it was only after about another hour that he had glanced at her, his face unreadable, and then without another word, shot up into the air, flapping those mighty wings.

Gwyn had stared after him for a few seconds, then gone inside the house and walked to the lounge, where everyone was relaxing.

Nesta and Cassian had sat together on a love seat, with her head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her back, pulling her close to him.

Feyre and Rhys were on one couch, with the High Lady' feet in Rhys's lap as he massaged her toes, tickling occasionally and leading her to kicking him in the leg.

Elain had sat in a chair in the corner all alone, her posture stiff, her face blank. Gwyn had noticed Nesta and Feyre shooting her concerned looks from time to time but no one had approached her.

Emerie and Mor sat on cushions on the floor together, playing with Nyx as he had woken up from his two hour nap. Gwyn had decided to join them and had sat on the floor next to Emerie. Some time later, everyone had had some drinks and snacks and they had gone to their respective rooms to get some sleep.

Gwyn, Emerie and Nesta had decided to roam the house instead of sleeping and had knocked on everyone's doors and run away drunkenly, giggling all the while. Gwyn had not had a lot to drink, and so Azriel had been on her mind all night. No one had asked her where he was or what they had been doing outside earlier.

But she was still worried.

She shouldn't have let him go.

Now, as Cassian flew her up to the House of the Wind, she contemplated asking him whether he knew where Azriel was. She wasn't enjoying the cool wind on her cheeks and the closeness to Cassian's body felt more uncomfortable than it had on her first time flying with Azriel.

As Cassian landed on the balcony, she opened her mouth to ask him, but he nodded before she could say anything. "He's in his room." He told her, and she smiled weakly in relief before thanking him and walking to the library. She smiled and waved at Clotho in greeting as it had been two days since she had returned to the library, but received a shadowed look in return. Her smile turned into a frown as she trudged up the stairs to her room and, changing into her pajamas, collapsed on her bed. She wondered what had made the Priestess almost seem.. resentful of her. 

Thinking about it, she closed her eyes, and as exhaustion from the last two days took over, she tumbled into a deep sleep.


The Hybern soldier was leaning over her, his mouth cut into a cruel sneer. The other soldiers behind him jeered and laughed at her pathetic state.

He had ripped her trousers off and was leering at her, a wicked smile on his face. Gwyn sobbed helplessly, her hands tied to the table she lay on. He bit her thigh and she cried out in pain, leading to more laughter from the other soldiers. They whooped as if this was a show, as if her sister hadn't just been killed in front of her eyes.

Gwyn brought her bare knee up and slammed it into the soldier's leg, and he groaned as he rolled off of her. "You shouldn't have done that." He said as he unbuckled his belt and a smile spread over his face slowly. He shoved a rag in her mouth and crawled over her. She started thrashing but he put a finger to her lips and caressed her cheek with his lips.

"Please." She begged him, her voice a muffled whimper.

But he just smiled at her and as he slid into her violently, she started shrieking in pain, she was in so much pain-

Gwyn's eyes flew open, her breathing ragged as a sob escaped her. It had been so long since her dream had been so vivid. She had thought she was getting over it but the dream brought it all back. The terror she had felt, the utter anguish at seeing her sister's throat being slashed in front of her eyes-

Gwyn put a hand to her mouth, as if she could stop the sobs from wrenching through. She needed a friend. She needed Nesta.

Sliding out from under the blanket, she got off of the bed and put on her fuzzy slippers. Eyes full of tears, she quietly, but carefully, made her way down the stairs to the library in the dark, and exited the big doors, no other Priestess in sight. More tears slipping down her cheeks at the remembrance of her bright sister who was now dead, Gwyn made her way to Cassian's room.

However, as she reached the dark hallway, a winged figure came out of the shadows and Gwyn shut her eyes tightly, more tears escaping.

"Gwyn?" Azriel said, and she could hear the disbelief in his voice. Gwyn did not open her eyes, for she believed that the sight of the shadowsinger would just bring back more memories of that horrific night.

"Look at me, Gwyn." He murmured quietly, and his fingers brushed her wet cheek. Gwyn opened her eyes and as Azriel's concerned and shock-filled gaze met hers, her knees gave out and she fell on the carpeted floor and started crying in earnest. 

She sensed Azriel drop to his knees in front of her and he pulled her hands away from where they were covering her tear-stained face. Just then, she realized that she was wearing a sleeveless tank top and fluffy pyjama trousers and that her priestesses' robe was still in Rhys's home. Feeling exposed, she crossed her arms across her chest, tears still falling, and met Azriel's eyes. She hated looking weak in front of others, but there was a gaping wound in her chest, a wound she hadn't felt so clearly in a long while.

"You look how I feel every single day." He said to her, his voice pained as he lowered his gaze. And without any further deliberation about what she was doing, she threw her arms around the shadowsinger and held onto him tightly as she cried into his shoulder.

She could feel Azriel's heart pounding from where their chests touched, his shock at being hugged, but she didn't care. All she knew was that this was the man who had saved her from the horrors in Sangravah and if it wasn't for him, she'd be dead just like her sister was.

Slowly, cautiously, Azriel's arms slid around her bare shoulders and back, and she clutched onto him tighter. Azriel stood up from the floor a moment later, Gwyn in his arms, and she drew in her breath. He took her to the nearest couch and sat her down upon it. 

Then he himself sat on the floor on his knees so that they were at eye level. Hesitantly, he brought a hand to her face and rubbed at her cheek with his thumb, wiping away her tears. She turned her face into his hand, taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself down as she inhaled his misty and cedar scent.

"Whenever you need to talk, I'm here." He whispered, his hand still caressing her cheek. She nodded against it and closed her eyes, lashes brushing fingers, her tears finally stopping.

"Thank you." She mumbled, and before she knew what she was doing, she turned her head and kissed his palm lightly. Leaning back against the couch after that, she closed her eyes and immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.

Word Count: 1462

It had been a few days since I last uploaded, sorryy!! I've been trying to catch up to school work and I've started rereading acomaf.. again lol. 

"You look how I feel every single day." Anyone know where this reference is from?! Somebody give me an Azriel..😫

Anyways, thank you guys for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!


A Court of Darkness and MelodiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz