Bonus Chapter 7

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Rhys's POV

Rhys was worried for Azriel.

Even during the War with Hybern, and The War before, Rhys had never seen Azriel in such a state. He had seen him bloody and hurt, but never empty. Even after Mor's denials, Azriel had sometimes gone vacant, but he had never fallen into a void with no end.

He settled for bed, putting the pillows in place and sighing. 

He had hoped they would be spared from politics and war for a while after Hybern but it had been a continuous cycle that seemed to never end. He rubbed his eyes in circles but before he could change out of his clothes, Feyre entered the room with Nyx in her hands and Rhys couldn't help the weary smile that spread across his face.

Feyre grinned at him upon seeing that smile and Rhys's smile widened, his worries temporarily forgotten. He walked to her and kissed her for a few moments, their lips touching, tongue and teeth tangling. Just as it started to get heavy, Nyx's little hands started patting Rhys's cheeks from where he was looking at them in Feyre's arms and Rhys broke away from her, laughing.

"We're bad examples of parents." He chuckled, and stretched his arms for Nyx.

"Uh, uh." Nyx babbled, reaching for Rhys and he grabbed him, tucking him in close. Feyre frowned at him.

"What?" He said, sitting down on the bed and leaning against the headboard, Nyx lying on his chest. "Is there something on my face?" 

Feyre just shook her head. "You don't give me time anymore. It's always you and Nyx." She said mournfully, and Rhys smiled at her lovingly. Holding Nyx with one arm, he held out his other hand and she grabbed it. He pulled her so that she sat down on the bed and he drew her against him, curling his arm around her back and kissing the side of her forehead.

She snuggled up against him and Rhys smiled.

He didn't think he ever needed anything other than this. Nyx and Feyre.

His family.

"I can feel your heart melting." Feyre grumbled against his chest and he let out a low laugh.

She kissed his neck and a shiver ran through him. Feyre laughed as she noticed and then smirked as she leaned over him and looked into his face, her hair making a curtain around them.

"Can I kiss you?" She murmured, her minty breath washing over his face. She came closer until their lips were barely a hair's breadth away. Rhys smiled under her and without waiting for an answer, she put her lips on his. The kiss was slow and deep. Rhys's hand travelled down her back to cup the back of her upper thighs as he pulled her closer to him.

He loved her so much, she tasted so good-

Nyx started wailing and Feyre groaned on his lips before she thumped back against the mattress and put her arm over her eyes.

"You feed him." She said, peeking at him from under her arm. He smiled at her wickedly and she shut her eyes, the corners of her lips turned up.

Then he grabbed Nyx, placed a kiss on his nose, and murmured, "Feeding time."


An hour later, Rhys and Feyre lounged on the bed together, tracing idle circles over each other's bodies. Nyx slept in the cot beside the bed, content and full.

"Is Azriel up and about?", asked Feyre and Rhys nodded, his face tight. "I'm worried for him." She added. "Do you know what's up with him?"

And that was when Rhys told Feyre the secret he had been hiding ever since that night on Solstice. He knew that the real reason he hadn't told her was because he was ashamed of how he had pulled rank with Az and it was because of him that his friend had been distant and remote.

He braced himself for a scolding from Feyre but all she did was gape at him and say, "Elain and Azriel almost kissed?! And you didn't think it necessary to tell me?!" She slapped Rhys's arm and he scowled at her. That was when there was a knock on the door, and with a swish of Rhys's fingers they were both dressed.

"Come in." He said, and Mor opened the door with a bright smile. "Welcome back!" Feyre exclaimed, jumping off the bed and hugging her friend. Rhys smiled at his cousin in greeting but she pouted. Laughing, he got off the bed and asked her, "What do you want?" 

"I want you to tell me where Feyre got her starfall dress!" 

"You're still curious?!" Feyre laughed and then winking at Rhys, she and Mor left the room.

Can I tell her what you told me about Azriel? Her voice bubbled up in his mind after they had left.

Yes, he said hesitantly. But try to keep the details to a minimum.

Of course, she murmured, and with that her presence in his mind was gone. Calling up Nuala to take care of Nyx and placing a little bubble of protection around him, he left the room and went to see Azriel.

As he was walking down the hallway to where Azriel was sleeping, he saw Nesta and Cassian locked in a deep embrace and he smiled to himself. But then he saw the door to Azriel's room was closed even though he had left a sliver open, and hurriedly opened it. He exhaled in relief when he saw Az sitting on the bed, playing with the bloodied bandage that had been on his head.

A small gash was all that was left of the deep wound and Azriel didn't bother to look up at him as he entered the room and took a seat next to the bed.

"I suppose you're here to give me a scolding?" He rasped, still looking down at the bandage and twirling it between his fingers so that his fingers were rusted red. 

"What the hell happened to you?" Rhys asked, ignoring the twinge he felt at Az's earlier question.

"I got drunk." 

Rhys laughed mirthlessly. "We both know that's not the case."

Azriel then looked up and met his eyes. They were red and pained, and Rhys immediately felt guilty for everything he had ever said to his friend.

"I know what you're going through Az." He said softly, but he knew that wasn't true. He didn't truly get him because no matter how much Feyre had hated him in the beginning he had gotten her in the end.

Azriel smiled bitterly as though he knew what Rhys was thinking and he looked down again.

"I know what you're going through." He said again, "And you'll get through it with time, and help Az. You can't just take it all out on yourself." 

"Hm." Azriel said, and that was that. But Rhys knew Azriel didn't believe he'd get through this. Pained, Rhys reached forward and put a hand on his shoulder. His brother flinched back as if burned. And he knew there was only one thing, or rather, one person that could help him in the state he was in right now.

And no matter how much of an honorable man he was, Rhys would do this one thing for his brother.

Word Count: 1331

First, I would like to thank you guys, FOR I JUST HIT 1K VIEWS WITHIN A WEEK OF STARTING MY STORY. I am truly grateful for all the positive feedback I have been getting and how much you guys have been supporting me. So, thank you to everyone.

Secondly, I'd like to mention that my school has started - vacations are over ugh - and I won't be posting as often. I'll try my best and I think 2 times a week will be possible.

Lastly, @LadyFrejNZ and @maria_reads19, you'll be getting that Feyre POV soon enough! Wasn't able to do both as I have ALOT of pending homework, but I'll try my best! Next chapter will be from our fav bat boy, Azriel's point of view, and will be uploaded soon.

Sorry for the long talk and thank you guys for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!


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