Now it was his turn to be quiet I guess he didn't expect so much honesty.

"You remember why I started calling you Tiger?"

I shook my head no, "Cuz, Tigers are fearless, and brave, they care about the pack and do what they can to protect the pack. That's you Spencer, always putting on a brave face, always trying to do the right thing, taking care of your mom, taking care of Fallon, caring so much about others you forget to care for yourself. I miss Luke too, he was like a little brother to me but he wasn't my little brother he was yours and as much pain and sadness I feel, I cant imagine what it was like for you. But you're a tiger, I know it."

Tears come to my eyes. I wanted to tell him I was worthless, I wasn't brave or strong or anything he said, I was weak and broken. Talking about Luke made me so sad, the pain was still there even after all these years. But it felt good to hear his name, no one has brought him up in years its like everyone forgot, but I didn't forget, I never can.

"It feels good talking about him. No one mentions it, not even Fal."

"They're probably scarred to Spence, your not exactly open about stuff."

I nod in agreement.

"Maybe.... We can?" Kyle asks

I smile, "I think I would like that Bear, I don't want to forget him."

"You wont I have an identic memory."

I chuckle knowing its true, I could give him about any date, and he would be able to recall everything that happened that day.

"So, where we headed?"

"The fields, there's a bonfire."

"What? You should have said so before I would have brought marshmallows!"

"Back seat."

I look back and sure enough there are everything we need for smores and he got me my favorite beer.


He laughed and soon we arrive.

There were already a huge cluster of cars and more parked on the dirt path. Since the town is big fields and the farmers have to keep one field empty, they let the kids hang out as long as everyone is respectful, and it doesn't get too out of hand. Its about the only thing we are able to do in this shitty ass small town.

Parking Kyle honks letting everyone know we have arrived, I guess. He is part of the lacrosse team which for some reason is a big thing around here so his team comes by and they all start greeting each other.

Great. More testosterone, just what I need in life.

I get a beer from the back and give it to Kyle to open. Now everyone is focused on me.

"Hey there.... Uuuhhh....."


"Oh yea! Spencer! Riiight."

Fucking idiots.

They are all giving me looks while I'm just tryna drink my beer in peace.

"Can I help you guys or something?"

Kyle awkwardly chuckles and I give him a half shrug.

One of the other guys decides its his moment to shine, "Nah girl. Kyle just didn't say anything about a girl that's all."

I start laughing at the absurdity of this, "First off my name is Spencer and you shall refer to me as such since not two seconds ago I told everyone my name. second, it's the fucking town bonfire everyone comes, why does it matter who he brings?"

The Good Girl's Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now