Chapter 9

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"Who sent you? How many more of you are there?" Crowley demanded.

He had pinned the black furred Lycan on the wooden floor, baring his white fangs. One hand was planted on Gabriel's broad chest; the other was wrapped around his throat, squeezing it tightly. Gabriel tried, and failed to push the vampire off of him, despite being thin as a twig, the vampire was all muscle.

"Answer me you piece of unicorn dung!" Crowley spat.

"I mean you no....harm...!" Gabriel huffed as he felt Crowley's claws dig into his neck and chest.

"That didn't answer my question you flea-bitten-"

"Crowley!" it was Aziraphale, he had just returned from Eden's room. "What the bloody hell is going on?"

"He's a bloody assassin, from your old cult, the ArchAngels!" Gabriel flinched. Crowley's red slitted eyes seemed to bore into his very soul.

"Dear, please stop choking our guest." Aziraphale's voice was tight, but his face remained expressionless.

"Wot?" Crowley replied, shocked.

"Crowley, please, you're making too much noise and you'll disturb Eden."

The next thing Gabriel knew, Crowley grabbed him by the collar of his trenchcoat, hauled him roughly to his hind paws and sat him into a wooden chair.

"There is no need to be so rough dear boy." Aziraphale scolded gently.

Crowley growled, his teeth still bared at Gabriel.

Aziraphale pulled up another chair and sat down in front of Gabriel and said, "Now, Gabriel was it? The reason that I won't let my husband kill you is because we owe you a debt. You saved our daughter's life and for that we are forever grateful." He turned to the vampire glowering over his shoulder.

"Aren't we Crowley?"

"Yeah, very grateful." Crowley hissed. Gabriel flattened his ears. He didn't think a vampire could be so scary looking.

"But I only ask one thing in return." Aziraphale continued. "That you do not disclose our location, or Eden's existence to anyone."

Before he could stop himself, the words came flying out of Gabriel's mouth. "Can I see her again?"

It took all of Crowley's self control to not lunge forward and rip the son of bitch to shreds.

"I don't see why not." said Aziraphale with a warm smile. Crowley gaped, completely taken aback that his husband just agreed to let this strange male return whenever he felt like it.


"Later love, I apologize for my husband, would you like some tea?"

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