Chapter 2

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Crowley's pointed ears perked up at the sound of the front door creaking open. He set down his newspaper and rushed to the door, "Queenie, where are you going?"

"Dad, I'm just going out for a little bit. Like I always do." replied the young monstrum woman standing in the doorway.

"Be back an hour before curfew, and if you go into Tadwood, go straight to the Shadwell's."

The red furred Lycan rolled her eyes, "Dad, I know the rules and I'm not going to Tadwood today! I'm just going to go hang about in the woods. I'll be fine."

Eden was used to this by now. Her Dad Crowley always got nervous when she would go out by herself, regardless if she would go to Tadwood or not.

Aziraphale, hearing the conversation, stood next to Crowley, placing a paw on his husband's shoulder. "She'll be fine Crowley, why don't you go check the traps? We wouldn't want a crow or vulture to scavenge your catch."

The Lycan's words seemed to calm Crowley down a bit as Aziraphale turned to their daughter. "Have a good time dear, see you at curfew." He beamed at his daughter, she had grown into such a beautiful monstrum.

Eden wagged her floofy red tail, "I will Papa!"

As the two fathers' watched their daughter disappear into the woods, Aziraphale said, "You shouldn't worry so much dear boy, Nutter Forest is perfectly safe."

Crowley sighed, "I know...I just worry is all."

"I know, and I think it's very endearing ." Aziraphale replied, giving the anxious vampire a kiss.

"Now you go check those traps while I prepare for our, "wild time". The white Lycan said seductively, which made Crowley's pale gray skin turn a bright red.

"Cheeky bastard." Crowley muttered as he followed Aziraphale into their bedroom. The traps could wait....

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