Chapter 6

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Crowley swore as he paced up and down on the porch. Eden hadn't shown up at curfew like she always did. It was now midday and he and Aziraphale were besides themselves with worry.

"Where on Earth could she be?" Aziraphale fretted as he sniffed the air, desperately trying to get a whiff of his daughter's scent.

"I'm going to go look for her." Crowley finally said. He couldn't bear it any longer. She could be hurt, or lost...or worse, but he refused to let his mind go in that direction.

"Wait...Crowley....I can smell her!" Aziraphale exclaimed with joy, but then he froze, the fur on the back of his neck standing on end.

"Angel? What's wrong?" Crowley's stomach turned into a knot.

"Someone's with her...."

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