"Where are they?" Jimin shrugged.

"Dunno-- but you look nice today." You smiled and thanked him. You sighed as you smoothed out your dress, yawning once Jimin did it again. You both laughed a little as Namjoon and his wife entered. Jimin bowed.

"Hello," n/w sang, sitting in a chair that Joon pulled out for her. She was getting bigger and bigger as the weeks passed by.

"Where's Jeon-- isn't he supposed to be here too, your majesty?" Namjoon looked around.

"I asked him to come, yes." You frowned.

"Did you see him this morning?" Jimin shook his head as he looked at the entryway, almost expectantly.

"I hope he's good," he mumbled. You broke out into a grin as you made eye contact with Yoongi. You quickly turned away.

"I guess he's late today-- or maybe he's sick." You looked to catch Jimin's reaction to Joon's words.

He looked a little-- disappointed? It was adorable.

"Well I want to--"

"I'm here!" The boy himself scurried into the room, almost bumping into Yoongi. Jungkook blinked, bowing a few times. "Sorry!"

"Good morning, Jungkook." Jungkook beamed at Namjoon and bowed once again.

"Good morning, your highness-- sorry I'm late, j/gf kept throwing up and I didn't want to leave her." Namjoon shook his head.

"It's no problem-- though Sir Park here seemed worried about you." Jungkook turned to his colleague.

"I was not!" Jimin yelled, ears turning red. "I was just curious because Mr. I-Think-I'm-So-Perfect is always on time for du--"

"Alright," you said, petting Jimin's shoulder as Jungkook almond, just barely, began to blush.

"Anyway-- what I wanted to say was," n/w paused as Namjokn held her hand, "I'm having a baby shower!" You broke out into a smile.

"Really?" She nodded excitedly.

"I was going to tell you both at breakfast but someone didn't wake up on time." Yoongi didn't say anything as she continued, "so I figured I'd just tell you all now."

"Wait-- we're invited too?" Jimin asked. She nodded. "Heck, ye--"

"But why your majesty, we're just--" Jimin leaned into Jungkook.

"Shut up you moron," he whispered. "Free food." Jungkook slaps him upside the head but Namjoon just smiled.

"Well, you two are very close friends of y/n," he said with a nod. "And that makes you friends of ours as well."

Jingkooks eyes sparkled. "I'm your... friend?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Of course, buddy--"

"Your highness!" He squealed. Jimin almost had to hold him back from tackling the prince into a hug. Namjoon just chuckled.

"Oh, and invite your girlfriend too; I heard she's expecting?" Jungkook nodded.

"I'm having a baby too," he announced proudly. You smiled.

"Congratulations," they both said. Jungkook thanked them and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"We should go-- I bet you didn't even sign in, did you?" Jungkook turned red.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be any later than I already was." The three of you waved to the two boys and they hurried out of the room, of course, bickering.

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