3 The Usual

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The ringing of my phone shattered the early morning silence of my apartment. I reached over as Emma moaned and covered her head with one of the pillows strewn upon my bed which we both occupied. I held the phone to my ear and grunted into the receiver. "Hmph."

"Rough night, huh?" Carter asked from the other end, his tone light with amusement. "Listen, I need a favor here. The usual, okay?"

I sighed and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Give me ten."

"You're a lifesaver."

There was a click and I tossed my phone onto the bed below. I nudged Emma but she just groaned in response so I gave up and, sighing, got myself dressed to be as presentable and not hungover looking as possible. Then I ran my fingers through my hair but ended up just tossing it into a messy bun. I walked into the living room where Aaron was asleep on my couch. I tossed a pillow at him and he woke up, rolling over to look at me.

"Get her up," I told him. "It's time for breakfast."

"Carter need your help again?"

I sighed. "When does he not?"

I slid into my flats at the door and jogged down the stairs until I reached the second floor. I stopped in front of his door and cleared my throat, preparing for my big scene, the one I had performed so many times before. Then I knocked loudly on the door. I heard shuffling and the low hum of voices inside and then the door swung open, revealing Carter in a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. His muscled chest shone in the morning sun. I pushed past him into the apartment.

"Ava? What's going on?" he asked with all the fake concern in the world.

"It's the site. A pipe burst overnight. The whole basement is flooded. The inspector's been there this morning. He says if we don't handle it today, it could ruin the foundation. We'd be out thousands, Carter. We have to go. Now," I barked out the rehearsed bit perfectly from memory and then pretended to notice the skinny blonde girl on the couch who had been there the whole time and now stared up at me, wide eyed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Who-"

"This is Charity," he told me then, always proud of himself for the ones whose names he managed to remember.

"Charity," I repeated, too amused to pass up such an opportunity. "Who you met at a gala. For charity."

The amusement shone in his eyes as well and I could tell it was no coincidence he had been able to remember this one's name.

"Ohmigosh, Carter!" Charity said then in a dimwitted singsong voice as she jumped to her feet and ran over, placing both hands on his chest in a concern that was much more genuine than either of ours. "That sounds serious!"

"It is," he told her grimly, taking her hands and pulling them away from him. I did not bother to contain my mocking smirk now that she couldn't see it. She was staring only at him. But he was watching me. And I could tell he was fighting a smirk of his own. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to go deal with this."

"Of course!" she nodded furiously. "I'll just get my things and go so you can get ready. I'm so sorry, I hope it doesn't ruin your house!"

She directed that last part to me and I smiled and thanked her as she quickly gathered her things and headed for the door. He walked her to it, ever the gentleman.

"Call me?" she asked in the threshold.

"Of course," he told her and she lunged forward and planted a firm kiss on his lips before running off down the hall.

"Wow," I said as he closed the door behind her. "Where do you find them?"

He thought for a moment before answering with a smug smile. "Charity."

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