The average heighted man was dressed in charcoal black. Black oversized t-shirt paired up with black shirt, jet black joggers and even a black mask covering half of his face. The remaining half was covered by his hair bangs falling over his forehead, completely covering his brows and even a bit of his eyes. The little skin visible was only his neck and his fingers but that little bit can tell how glowingly fair skinned he was. You don't know whether it was his dark black attire complementing the contrasting clearness of his skin or it was just that few people are born with angelic glow.

Your moment of admiring an absolute stranger's skin was jolted away when the paper bag in that man's hand teared down with the excessive weight of the tangerines loaded in a single bag. You dashed in to help him pick them up , you bent over and started gathering them in both of your hands and so did he. When you stood up straight with quite many of those orange fruits in your hand, you didn't realize you were so close to the man already standing in front of you. His black bead eyes were staring right at yours. You were frozen , as if some spell working on you , not letting you move even an inch. Why does he look so familiar ? Even though it would be impossible for you to recognise even someone of your family if they had that much coverup, but there was something in those eyes that made you feel the way you have felt.

On the other hand, the man was still standing at that awkwardly close distance from you. It was not that he was enjoying it but he wasn't even uncomfortable. It was like he was waiting for you to react , giving you the control of that situation so that you don't feel embarrassed or something.

But fortunately to your stupid frozen senses, you both heard a voice from a little distance from yours.

" Hyung... I'm heading towards the billing counter , you got your fruits ? "

A younger man than him was standing near the refrigerator, with a couple of banana milk bottles in his hand. He was muscular, with broad shoulder and quite a tall physique. He too was dressed in fully black clothes; a black pullover, black jeans and a mask over his face. From the place he was standing in , it was almost impossible to see in what awkward situation you and his hyung were in. But it helped you to take a moment of reflex to step back and feel better about the distance made from the stranger.

" Yeah." said the man in a deep and heavy voice while taking back the tangerines from your hand and dropping them back into a new paper bag. Once he was done with the process he looked at you again and nodded his head a little to express his thankfulness and walked passed you slowly.

You went back to complete your ramen hunt , bagging as many different varieties as you could afford. Then you walked up to the counter only to find the boys standing beside the billing counter, probably waiting for something or may be someone. You got your orders billed by paying the last shares of your money to the lady at the counter . That's when you suddenly came across a hand written poster stuck on the wall behind her.


That's all the information it had. What a beautiful coincident ! It would be absolutely incredible if you could get this job. You could earn some extra money and save yourself from being broke by the end of every month. Moreover, it was part time so it won't be affecting your attendance at the university. That's it ! It was a freaking jackpot.

" Hey miss, is that thing still valid ? " you asked the lady, pointing your finger at the poster with a lot of expectation which was clearly visible by the look in your eyes.

" Ahhh... yeah... It's there since 3 weeks now but we haven't really got anyone. You thinking of someone who might be interested ? " . She was almost desperate to get someone for that job, which you think, might be something in your benefit. You asked about the work hours and salary which was moderately better than what you were expecting. Yet, you tried your best not to bring that on your face.

You were almost done knowing all the details when your eyes went back to the place where the " black outfit brothers" were standing.
Yeah ! You were quite impressed at yourself with the name you thought for the absolute strangers you just came across at a store . Like you were gonna get some award for such useless talent.

The boys were still standing there. You almost thought that may be one of them will be competing you for the vacancy at the store. Hell Yeah ! May be that's why they were waiting thought-out the conversation but to your detective guess works were stroke down when you saw a black Hyundai arriving in front of the store. Both of them left the store and got inside the car and left the very next second. Damn ! Those boys were rich. Not even in a parallel universe someone with a shining black Hyundai will be working in a departmental store.

" No competition Y/N ". you murmured, sighing out of relief and yet with a bit of disappointment for being so bad at the guessing game.

Soon after, you slipped the card with contact number of the lady inside your valet and told her that you will think about it and inform her by tomorrow. Ofcourse you don't wanna look too needy for the job.

What a day ! Rather a week , or may be a month , or even more. It was like all the luck found you in this new country.


A/N :

I know you know who the " Black Outfit Brothers" are !!! 🤭🤫

The story is about to get way more interesting from now on , Thank you so much for hanging in till now .

Boraeh 💜

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