Searing Kisses: Kam

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Ignore the title-

Pureblood_Queen, your Kam human au! Hope you like it!

Tam was pointedly ignoring him, and Keefe didn't care.

He was glad, really. Finally, the shorter boy wasn't making snide remarks at every movement Keefe made. Finally, he didn't hear a snort of derision with every word.

Today was the first day in a long time they'd gone through the day without a single glare across the cafeteria.

And Keefe didn't care.

His life didn't revolve around the way Tam's bangs flipped across his forehead.

It didn't matter. He didn't matter.

But something made Keefe stride across the busy halls to where Tam was placing his books in his locker. And it wasn't Tam's (almost endearing) scowl.

Maybe it was the itch. The itch that waited under Keefe's skin. Maybe it was boredom, or annoyance, but it was almost always there. As if it were waiting for something.

But it was an itch he needed to scratch, and he found that annoying Tam worked well enough.

So it was simply instinct to lob a paper ball at the back of Tam's head.

His head immediately snapped around, as if he'd been waiting for this. As if he knew that ignoring Keefe was most certainly going to fail.

Their gazes met, and Keefe felt something snap between their connected stares. A spark, with the potential to be flame.

He leaned back against the row of lockers, opposite to where Tam was now slamming his locker shut with a thunderous bang. It echoed through the hall, and Keefe felt more than saw the other students in the hall turn to look at them.

A smirk curved his lips at the whispers surrounding them, the tales that had spread across the school from his various pranks and insults and projects. He was almost as famous as his rivalry with Tam, and the surrounding audience formed a loose ring around the two boys.

"What do you want, Sencen," Tam said. His tone was icy, and Keefe watched his eyes dart to the bystanders before flicking back to the blonde boy grinning crookedly at him from across the hall.

"Nothing," Keefe responded easily, glancing up to the ceiling absently. He could feel Tam's gaze burning into his forehead, bidding him to look back. He ordered himself not to give in, keeping the same, taunting smirk that he knew Tam hated fixed on his face.

"Good," Tam said quickly, his eyes flashing with something that Keefe couldn't quite place.

He turned to walk away, and the audience they'd amassed began to disperse, grumbling as they went, disappointed by the lack of a fight.

Keefe watched Tam walk away, his skin boiling with something he didn't quite recognize.

At least, not yet.


"Stop staring, hon," Biana rolled her eyes, amusement gracing her face. "Your eyeballs are gonna pop out if you keep on waiting for him to look at you."

"I'm not-" Keefe protested, glaring at his friend as she absentmindedly shaded in the corner of her notebook. With a glitter pen.

"Not what? You're staring at Tam, hon. Eyes on the page, or he might just figure out that you're in love with him." There was a small smirk on Biana's face, as if she couldn't feel the hate Keefe was trying to convey with his eyes.

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