Chapter 35

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Jennie's POV

A few hours has passed since that unlikely meeting of Jisoo and I and we were already getting interrogated by the maknaes.

Both of then had frowns on their faces while Jisoo and I kept our distance from each other as we sat on the couch of my suite. Just a few meters away. We evidently did miss each other a lot.

"So what your saying is your this Jisoo that Jennie mentioned when she woke up a long tine ago?" Lisa first spoke up and Jisoo's posture straightened. I let out a small chuckle making their attention go towards me.

I shook my head and gestured Lisa to continue so she did. Facing Jisoo once more with an irritated expression making Jisoo flinch.

"Yes." Jisoo replied with a stern tone and look as well. Now that's sexy...

"And you were always alive?" Lisa continued.


"And she wasn't actually just crazy to make you up?" Lisa pointed a finger towards me without breaking any means of eye contact towards Jisoo. And here I was completely offended by her statement but she less cared.

Chaeyoung only shook her head in amusement and boredom as she watched the on going exchange of questions and answer with so much tension in the air.

"Uh... yeah?"

"HUH?! And you think I'd believe that?!" Lisa seemed like she could kill a bear by the fierce look on her face.

I looked at Jisoo and she looked unfazed. Her body was as relaxed as ever. Seems like she got used to Lisa's bad temper already. Jisoo stood up but then say back down as soon as Chaeyoung cleared her throat. The girl finally decided to speak.

"Actually, just believe her Lisa." She simple stated. Patting her girlfriend's shoulder and standing in between Lisa and Jisoo.

"Oh... of course. You know her too so of course you'd believe her!" Lisa harshly spoke. Pointing to Jisoo with a feisty glare.

"I knew she was alive so..." Chaeyoung shrugged as she trailed off leaving me and Lisa completely shook and confused.

She knew?!

Lisa's hand retreated and placed itself on her hair. Rubbing it gently. She sighed and smiled at her girlfriend sadly.

"You knew? And you didn't care to tell me?" Her tone was disappointed and that made Chaeyoung look down sadly while gripping on the hem of her shirt.

"I didn't because you might've told Jennie Unnie." Chaeyoung mumbled against her shallow breathing.


"She's not yet allowed to know that Jisoo's alive... not even now..." She looked at me and smiled apologetically.

I can't really deny that I am also somewhat disappointed but seeing Chaeyoung being like this, I didn't want to see her like that anymore. So I shook my head and smiled to her reassuringly.

My eyes found its way towards Jisoo who have been staring at me for quite a while now. Our eyes met and she smiled, I immediately got shy and looked away from her. Looked down and started fidgeting on my spot.

But then Jisoo immediately flinched and faced forward when Chaeyoung suddenly snapped right in front of her after the seconds of silence that has occurred. "See what happened Soo?! She fainted because of shock! Because you couldn't be more patient to-."

"I missed her..." Jisoo cut her off gently. Her voice small and filled with desperation.

My ears perked up and I faced her. She wasn't looking at me but I knew she wanted to. Her eyes spoke a lot of words more than her mouth could. She was desperately trying not to look weak but the tears forming in her eyes betrayed her. And there I noticed that I, too, was tearing up.

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