Nomes and Revelations

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Lady pov

I was still in my bed room when I heard the door silently creek open as I looked up to see who it was I was met with a nome. These things were all over the maw but most steered clear of my quarters fearing that they might be eaten or killed... Why was this one here? And why is it staring at me?

Lady: What do you want you little parasite?


Lady: What is it spit it out!

Nome:......*nome noises*

Lady: oh can't talk.

The nome motioned for me to follow it

Lady: Why would I follow you to who knows where?

The nome made itself look taller and much thinner.... Wait was it trying to tell me something?

Lady:........ Is it that thin man in the main hall?

The nome nodded and then motioned that someone was downstairs with him

I quickly ran twords the main hall and found mono talking to.... Fuck it's 7

Thin man pov

This man... Seems friendly... I wonder why he seems so anxious? He talks rather fast and not to mention has a stutter that is pretty bad but other than that he seems pretty well kempt.

Tm: well its good to meet you. Who are you?

7: I'm seven Im looking for someone... A girl named six.


7; well long ago when we were children I tried to help her but she....she..... She tried to kill me.

Tm: well that makes two of us... That little runt tried to kill me as well.

7: oh I see..... She really is the worst.

Tm: you can say that again.... Did you ever hold any feeling for her?

7: No! God no. She looked terrifying in my opinion and was way to creepy to have feelings for her.......did you?

Tm: yeah...... I did...... Do you want to hear the story of me and six?

7: sure....after yours wanna listen to mine?

Tm: sure.


Two words

Fuck school.

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