Week 3 of June

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The show intro plays.Pyro shoots out and the show begins.

Mauro:WELCOME LADIES AND GENTS TO RAW!!! Im Mauro Rannallo joined as always by Excalibur and Corey Graves!

Excalibur:We have a great night of action here folks! In our main event we have the Champions and their Challengers on a team as Daniel Boyce and Matt Hardy will take on Kevin Owens and Shinsuke Nakamura!

Corey:The Young Bucks take on Jurrasic Express! And later we will see Womens Action as Dakota Kai takes on Asuka! Whoever wins that will definitely get a bump in the rankings!

Mauro:But to start us off we have Wyatt Danger.

Wyatt walks out,not taggung the fans,not looking happy.....but looking pissed.He enters and grabs a mic.

Wyatt:Thanks to James Fatality my father is in the hospital.That piece of shit cost me a match but more importantly made this personal!!!! So why wait till Double or Nothing.GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE JAMES!!!!!

Wyatt stares at the Stage but nothing happens.

Wyatt:COME ON!

Nothing happens.

Wyatt:I see how it is.Ill just come find you!

He throws the mic down and rolls out.He walks up the ramp as the camera follows him.He walks through the curtain.


Shane McMahon:I dont know.I dont think he is here!

Wyatt sighs and keeps walking.He stops and sees Rhea Ripley sitting on a storage crate looking at him.

Wyatt:Where is he?

Rhea:Why should i tell you?

Wyatt:Im not playing games!

Rhea sighs.

Then Wyatt looks over and gets tackled by James! The two start brawling. James gets up and turns around.He then looks back at Wyatt whose against a Vending Machine.He runs but Wyatt moves and James goes straight into the machine!!!!! Wyatt gets up and stares at James.He then is met by a low blow by Rhea! Wyatt falls to the ground in pain.Rhea checks on James and helps him up The two stare at Wyatt.James spits on him.The two walk off.

We cut back to the arena.

Brian:The following is scheduled for one fall!! Introducing first from Auckland New Zealand,Weighing in at 121 pounds......DAKOTA KAI!!!!

Dakota walks out and enters.

Brian:And her opponent from Osaka Japan,weighing in at 137 pounds....ASUKA!!!!!!

Asuka walks out and enters.

The bell rings and the two tieup.Asuka gets Dakota in a waistlock.Dakota gets her in a headlock and slams her down.She gets up.Asuka sweeps her legs.She gets her in a headlock.Dakota  kips up getting out of it.She goes for a Penalty Kick but Asuka grabs her leg and gets her in a Ankle Lock.Dakota grabs the ropes causing Asuka to let go.She grabs Dakotas legs but She kicks her.Dakota gets up,runs and goes for a Knee but Asuka catches her knee.Dakota nails a Enzuguri!Dakota grabs Asuka and tosses her outside.She goes off the ropes and goes for a Tope but Asuka moves and Dakota crashes hard into the Barricade!!!!!

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