Double or Nothing Part 3

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Mauro:Ladies and Gentlemen we have had two incredible and chaotic matches and we are keeping that train rolling.The Young Bucks will be taking on The Lucha Brothers! This feud has been years in the making ever since the Triple A days.Now these men battle once again!

Mauro:And folks this one should be good.These four have history with each other.The Lucha Brothers have ruled over many promotions like Triple A,Lucha Underground and more.Tonight they have a big match ahead of then against The Young Bucks!

The two walk out and pose as Fire Pyro shoots out.The two head down and enter.

Mauro:Last months the Young Bucks defeated War Machine to win the RAW Tag Team Championships!

The four all stand in the ring.

Justin Roberts:The following is scheduled for one fall and is for the RAW Tag Team Championships!!! Introducing a combined weight of 370 pounds...they are the team of RRRRRRREY FENIX AND PENTAGON JR, THE LUCHA BROS!!!

The two pose

Justin:And their opponents at a combined weight of 390 pounds...they are the RAW Tag Team Champions....MATT AND NICK JACKSON...THE YOUNG! BUCKS!

The two pose.

The ref holds the titles high.

Matt and Pentagon start off.They tieup.Penta gets Matt in a waistlock and slams him down.He looks at Matt.


Matt pops up and goes for a clothesline but Pentagon ducks, grabs his arm and DDTS him. Penta gets up and taunts as Matt holds his head.Pentagon grabs Matt and irish whips him to the ropes and goes for a drop down but Matt stops, stomps on Pentas back which causes him to sit up.Matt then kicks him in the chest.He steps back and Superkicks Penta who falls back.Matt pins Pentagon but he kicks out.
Matt gets up and grabs Penta and puts him up in a Powerbomb position.He runs and looks at Nick who kicks Penta once hes buckled bomb in the corner!!!

Nick gets tagged in and heads up top.Nick nails a 450 splash but Pentagon kicks out.

Nick grabs Pentagon and goes for a Canadian Destroyer but Penta doesnt let him and gets off of Nick.Pentagon goes for his own but Nick doesnt let him.The two stare down and Nick goes for a superkick but Penta ducks and goes for a German Suplex but Nick rolls him up,pops up and goes for a double stomp but Penta moves,pops up and nails a Canadian Destroyer!!!

He tags in Fenix.Fenix jumps on the ropes,dives and lands on Nick and nails a Candian Destroyer!!

Nick rolls out.Fenix goes off the ropes and dives through the ropes but Matt superkicks him on the apron!!!!


Fenix lies on the ropes motionless.Nick runs and nails a enzuguri to Rey.Nick rolls in and tags in Matt.Matt grabs Fenix and holds him in a Tombstone Position.Nick goes to the apron but Fenix counters Matts tombstone into his own!

Nick is shocked.Fenix runs and jumps and nails a Canadian Destroyer onto the outside onto Nick!!

Fenix and Nick lay there.Fenix slowly gets up and rolls in.He gets up and eats a Superkick from Matt.

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