An Almost Perfect Get Away

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        "Why am I invited?" Ryo asked reading the blue invitation to a hot spring getaway.

The female Hero Association representative smiled. "The S Class Heroes, Silverfang, Atomic Samurai, Metal Bat, and Genos said that they were touched by your bravery on the battlefield on the day of the alien invasion. Also, the Hero Iairon said that you deserved a thank you for assisting him after his near-fatal encounter."

"You're kidding," Ryo gaped. "They all mentioned me by name?"

The woman smiled and nodded, her black hair bobbing at her chin. "You have also fallen on the Hero Association's radar for your ties to our heroes working in the feild and their costumes. We do hope that you'll accept our invite."

Of course she accepted. That was how she found herself standing between Genos and Saitama, joined by all of the heroes who fought the in the largest alien disaster ever, plus some other S Class heroes.

"I am glad that you were able to come along with the rest of us," Genos smiled as they were lead through the halls to the changing rooms.

"Thank you for mentioning me Genos," Ryo beamed.

"I also brought up your help to the Association," Iaian butted in. The other heroes also turned back to her, opening their mouths to mention the fact that they had also talked to the Association about her involvement.

Ryo quickly put up her hands in defense. "Yeah, the representative told me you all had a hand in my invitation here. Thank you all so much!" She bowed deeply, feeling embarrassed with all their eyes on her.

"Hmph!" A high pitched voice sounded from behind Ryo. It was The Terrible Tornado glaring down at her. "The fact that a civi was invited to a hero retreat is so annoying, you didn't even do anything!"

Tornado floated into the woman's changing room and Genos rose his blaster with a dark look on his features. Saitama used his hand to lower Genos's threat. "Good luck with that Ryo."

Ryo sighed with an awkward lopsided smile. "This bath may not be so relaxing."

Atomic Samurai wrapped an arm around her shoulder, ushering her to the woman's changing room. "Tatsumaki is harmless!" He boasted. "She may have a sharp tongue, but she's all talk. You're far more of a woman than she is! Just be blunt and she'll back off!"

"The most powerful esper in the world is all talk?" Ryo asked skeptically as Atomic pushed her into the changing room.

Genos lifted up his fist and made intense eye contact with her. "If she says anything that makes you upset, I will make sure she pays."

"See you after the bath!" Saitama waved until Ryo disappeared.

The changing room was classy with little lockers to tuck one's belongings away while you swim. Since she already left her bag in her room, all she had to stuff inside was her clothes. Ryo wrapped herself in a towel then thoroughly washed in the designated area. Once she was clean she wrapped herself again in the towel and went out to the main bathing area.

Tornado was already in the water, when she noticed Ryo she 'hmphed' and turned her back in the water. Ryo ignored her and let her towel slip off her body, hanging it a little ways from the spring.

A slight smell of sulfur permitted the air, but once Ryo stepped into the hot water the smell melted out of her mind. Once she was fully submerged Ryo felt the tension in her body subside. "Ahhh." Not even the salty small woman who was glaring over her shoulder at Ryo could ruin this relaxation. Ryo waded into the sunny side of the pool by the bamboo wall that separated the men and women. She leaned back against a rock and let her chin sink beneath the water.

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