Another Day Another Monster(s)

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Boy oh boy do I hate college. Never the less here I am. uh, I actually didn't change much. Just got to where the last chapter left off if you read this chapter before

"Bang invited us over?" Ryo asked into her phone. "I'm going into City R today. But I guess I could meet you guys there once I'm done with work."

"Are you meeting with a hero today?" Genos questioned.

"Yeah, I'm finally done with Zombieman's fifth costume so we're meeting for lunch, but I'm also meeting Metal Bat after, and I'm not really sure how long that will last. What time did Silverfang expect us?"

"He wanted us there around four."

Ryo grumbled. "I'll probably still be with Metal Bat. But I wanna go. You think it'll be okay if I'm just a little late?"

"I will explain to Bang. I am sure he will be fine."

"Alright, I'll see you guys then, and thanks Genos," Ryo hung up and threw herself back onto her futon. "Why did he feel the need to call me at five in the morning, though?"

A few hours later and Ryo was out on the town. She had her strap bag over her shoulder, now carrying a large first aid kit and emergency supplies, and her arms cradled a heavy box that house Zombieman's final costume. The box was heavy, but Ryo could handle it. After the indecent where Ryo had to carry Genos's groceries home, she had started to lift weights, only light ten-pound dumbbells for now, but she didn't want to be caught off guard like that again. Even if she couldn't fight, she still needed to get strong for herself.

City R was bustling with people. Ryo had a hard time not bumping into strangers as she struggled to shoulder the heavy box of mostly leather costumes. Just when she thought she'd need to take a break from walking, she found herself standing in front of the restaurant she was supposed to meet Zombieman.

"Oh!" A joyful deep voice rung from behind Ryo. "What perfect timing! You are just on time."

Ryo turned on her heel and smiled, coming face to face with Zombieman. "Heya! Guess we don't have to search for each other inside."

"You must have walked far," Zombieman held out his arms and lifted the box out of Ryo's hands. "Allow me to carry this inside for you."

Together they walked into the restaurant. While the two waited for their food, Zombieman tried on his fifth costume in the bathroom and came out, swaggering back to the table. "Fits perfect just like the rest. Though this one has got a better style, in my opinion."

Zombieman lifted the collar of the leather jacket and shot finger guns at the waiting Ryo. She laughed then addressed his complaint about the style. "If you'd like I can take the others back and rework them."

"Nah, we can just wait till I get incinerated again, it's bound to happen." Zombieman grinned as he sat back down.

"Have you got the chance to test out any of the suits?" Ryo asked as she sipped on her hot tea.

"Not quite," Zombieman explained. "The Hero Association tends to save us S Class for trump cards. They don't just pimp us out for any reason."

Ryo wasn't close enough to Zombieman to share her distaste for the way the hero association treated the classes of heroes, so she just nodded along with him.

"But what about you, didn't Genos mention something about a Class B's suit that you were having trouble with."

Ryo rolled her eyes at the memory but immediately started to rant. "Oh, you mean Saitama. Yeah, he's difficult to design for because he's just so powerful. He hardly ever uses his full strength, so it's difficult to find a fabric that is strong enough to withstand his punch but also is flexible enough to keep up with his speed. Plus if the fabric is even remotely itchy, he'll get fussy."

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