Down With The Ship!

Start from the beginning

"Sorry for the manhandling but we got to go!" He shouted as he ran in a dead sprint.

"No complaints here!" She affirmed looking up at the ship as a loud "WHA BOOOOM" shook the earth, coming from an explosion from the top of the ship. The impact parted the clouds. "Yup, definitely Saitama."

"Run for headquarters!" Bang shouted leading the way.

"Angel Dash!" Puri-Puri shouted, sprinting past Metal Bat.

"We'll never make it!"

"Hey, Prisoner!" Atomic Samurai shouted, carrying Iaian. "Outta the way!"

"Angel Dash!" he repeated again.

Metal Bat growled. "Don't just say it, do it!"

Iaian got to his own feet and ran past Metal Bat and Ryo. Atomic Samurai called out to his disciple, "Iai! Do you need help?!"

"No, Master!" He insisted, clinging to his arm. "I am fine!"

"Argh! Why is Silverfang so fast?!" Metal Bat complained, holding on to Ryo with a tighter grip.

"Can you not handle taking care of a lady?" Atomic teased. "Come here little lady, I can save you."

"Now is not the time for infighting!" Ryo yelled.

Metal Bat left the shadow of the falling ship and Ryo watched from his shoulder as the ship collided with the earth. It landed with a roaring rumble. Metal Bat heaved for a second then stood upright, "Damn that was close."

Ryo awkwardly wiggled in his grip, "You can put me down now..."

"Oh yeah," He chuckled, setting her on the ground with a grin. "Sorry lady."

"No need to apologize for saving my life, and my name is Ryo," she grinned, placing her hands on her hips and looking up at the giant ship. "That was crazy."

"Ryo!" A deep voice called. Genos grabbed her shoulders and looked over her. "You are alright, I was concerned that you were blown away from the initial blast."

"Iairon saved me!"

Genos stared at the jacket that was covering her upper body. "Yes, but clearly you're clothing did not make it out unscathed. I will find you a suitable top immediately."

"Oh no, Iaian just needed something to tie off his arm."

"Yeah, well maybe Genos here should find you a shirt," Metal Bat requested, "So I can have my jacket back."

"Of course," Genos then proceeded to remove his own shirt. "If it is not too strange, you may wear my shirt."

"Well I did make it," Ryo nodded. "But I do feel like we're playing musical shirts." She tossed Metal Bat his jacket back then tugged Genos's shirt over her head. It was pretty large on her torso, and it clashed with her pants, but it would do. "Thanks again for your help Metal Bat."

"Yeah, whatever," Metal Bat grumbled, looking away from her, hiding his red face.

"Do any of you care to explain this?" A condescending voice suddenly sounded. Ryo looked up and saw a blue-haired man sitting atop a pile of rubble. "How about you Metal Bat."

"Huh?" he responded with a glare.

"Help me understand this." Ryo knew this man. Everyone did.

"Handsome Kamen," Metal Bat grunted. "Where'd you come from?"

"I was filming a drama in the next town," Amai Mask explained. "I heard rumbling and came to find City A in ruins."

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