The Day She Remembered Fear Part 2

Start from the beginning

Allback-Man watched Ryo fall from the corner of his eye. He had run before, meanwhile, this civilian risked her life to save heroes, him associates. He had to be better! "W-Wait! We surrender! If you have a demand we'll meet it!" He heard that Puri-Puri broke out of prison to fight. If the monster was here then... Allback knew he couldn't win. "If you have a demand we'll meet it! Just don't attack! Please." But he could buy time. If that was all he could do, then at least it was something.

"Surrender? Hee hee!" The Sea King boomed. "You'll die either way, Ha ha ha! I'm going to kill you! My demand is that you scream! I'm going to rip you all from limb to limb!"

Everyone in the center was rigid with fear, other than Ryo. Her eyes were no longer focused on the monster, but instead on the man who presented himself before this monster. The man who risked his life for the whole room. The first man to step forward. A hero who thanked her.

In this second Allback-Man was the bravest man in the world. Even if he pissed his pants.

A grey and red costume flew past Ryo and she instantly recognized him as Jet Niceguy. That was her costume! "HYAAH!" He shouted as he launched into the fight.

Also from the crowd emerged another hero who stepped in front of Ryo. It took a minute to remember his name, but Ryo also knew him! "Graah! I'm going to fight too!" Bunbun Man shouted.

"Cool. let's work together," Ryo also knew that voice. Snakebite Fist; Sneck, stepped out in front of Ryo too. An A-class hero had evacuated? But more importantly, he was fighting now! "At rank 38, I may be at the bottom, but I'm class A. Lets do this!

Allback-Man spoke up too. "I... I'm a hero too! Allback-Man! Into action!"

The monster loomed over the heroes. Ryo was a good distance back from where they now stood, but she could see the heroes holding back fear. Even so, Ryo finally felt able to breathe freely.

The monster began beating down on the heroes. Easily take on each one. Ryo's stomach dropped seeing Jet Niceguy get taken down. But Ryo could do something.

"Get back!" she shouted, forcing herself to her feet. "Get back! Evacuate! Run now!" The crowd dispersed slightly, but the major group stayed watching in horrid shock.

Ryo opened her mouth to shout again, turning her back on the monster as the last heroes were sent flying, but before she could shout again a swift 'tomp' landed behind her. Ryo looked over her shoulder and saw a familiar blond-haired boy land between her and the monster.

"Are you with the Clan of the Seafolk?" a monotone voice that sounded like heaven to Ryo's ears. "I am here to eliminate you."

"Genos!" Ryo couldn't stop herself from cheering, watching with a grin as Genos slammed his fist into the side of the Sea King's face. The power of his punch blasted the giant monster back through the center's wall and through multiple buildings.

Genos slowly turned over his shoulder. "Was that... the last enemy?"

The crowd burst into cheers and Ryo immediately jumped for joy. Genos spotted her right away and watch her cheer for him with a stoic face. 'For her to be scared, this must have been a big crisis." Genos thought.

Ryo stepped forward to thank her friend but before her eyes, the Sea king reappeared. Ryo couldn't even process what had happened, seeing the Sea King holding Genos' ripped off arm. Ryo's eye's shot to where Genos' limp body smashed into the wall.

"Now I'm mad!" The Sea King loomed, his shadow covering Ryo. The crowd shuddered as the Sea King turned to Genos. "I'm going to mess you up!"

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