It's A Pleasure to Meet You, Hostage!

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Ryo stared in absolute shock, her jaw was slack and she glared up at Saitama. He was making this up as he went, he was going to try and bluff his way through teaching Genos. Ryo looked over at the boy, sure that he wasn't buying a second of this. but to her surprise, he agreed!

"You are right!" Genos announced. "I will do it!" He then slammed onto his knees, furiously scribbling down Saitama's words.

Ryo watched in awe as Saitama strutted away. She couldn't see his face, but she knew it was one of pure befuddled joy.

Ryo stuck around with Genos for a while, waiting to see if Saitama would make it. But eventually, Ryo had to leave to catch a train to an appointment with a hero looking for a new costume.

"I will walk with you," Genos said, pulling his shoes on with her.

Ryo basked in the warm sun that beamed down on City Z.

"Who is the hero you are meeting today?"

"Jet Nice Guy," Ryo told him. "He's only a Class B hero, but he's getting pretty popular."

"Have you had any big clients recently?"

Ryo shook her head. "I'm having trouble getting my name out there you know?"

"I will be sure to tell everyone that I am wearing a Ryo original," Genos comforted.

"Thank you," Ryo grinned. She hadn't changed the way he dressed by much, simply giving him a shirt that better contorted with his robotic muscles and did not burn when he used bigger guns. She also gave him pants that specifically brought attention to his masterfully sculpted ass. Ryo really did want to meet the man that made Genos, just to say thank you. "Are you happy being Saitama's pupil?"

"Why do you ask that so suddenly?" Genos asked.

"It's just..." Ryo didn't want to call Saitama out, but she needed to know that Genos understood what was happening. "You know he has no idea what he's doing right?"

Genos sighed. "Master Saitama does not even know how he gained his superpowers. But surely, something about him has to lead him to gain such strength. If I can figure that out, then I'll become stronger!" Ryo looked up at him worriedly. Genos seemed to realize that she was not fully satisfied with his answer. "Master has also been able to help me focus my energy into productive activities. I am now fully employed. If he had not pushed me to register, I would have never thought of joining the Hero Association. I am thankful to have Saitama as my Master."

Ryo grinned at that. Satisfied, Ryo then changed the topic to Genos' new upgrades. They stayed passionately talking about the new additions to Genos' exoskeleton until they reached the train station.

The next day Ryo was walking around City Z gathering groceries for Saitama and Genos. Now that the boys lived together, they needed more food in the house. Ryo didn't mind picking up a few things for them either. Coincidently, she saw a yellow suited, bald man anxiously looking around the town.

Ryo grinned and tapped on his shoulder, Saitama whipped around and grabbed her finger, raising his fist in a threatening manner. When he saw that it was just Ryo he groaned.

"I was hoping you were a villain," Saitama mumbled.

"So you didn't catch anyone yesterday, huh?" Ryo sighed looking around the city too, trying to find a purse snatcher to help Saitama.

"The city was completely quiet! What was I supposed to do?" Saitama complained. Ryo was about to say some words of comfort when Saitama whipped around and plucked a blade out of mid-air that was headed straight for his head. "You!" he shouted at a boy with dark hair tied back in a bun. "What was your name again?"

She Just Got Luckyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن