"But Tae-"

"He is okay and that's all matters. Get ready for your practice Ten." Taeyong thanked Taeil a thousand times in his mind for saving him. He looked at the elder who gave him a small nod and smile.

Great!!! Now I feels even worse.

Taeil always understands him. Always. He knew something happened but if Taeyong is not ready to share then he will give him time.

Ten huffed in annoyance but left for his practice.

"You will be performing tonight?" Yuta asked and Tae nodded. He then took his leave too. Taeil held his right shoulder and gave a light squeeze "you know u can always talk to me right?" Taeyong nodded. He too then headed for his practice with Ten.

"You ruined my holiday"
"So I need another one."
"You wish"
"Oh come on Jae! You can't be serious!"
"No means no Johnny."
"Seriously now I really feel like a slave. Best friends duh!" Johnny fake cried.
"You know that doesn't work on me Johnny"

Johnny groaned in annoyance. He glared at his best friend who was lying on the bed, meditating.
Then something clicked in his head and he smirked.
"You know what Jae? Hyuck asked for some spicy chats when I returned from the human world. I was too annoyed so I ignored him, but I guess I have some really good tea for him."
At this the demon lord shot opened his eyes and glared at Johnny. He knew exactly about what he was referring to.

"Don't you dare johnny" he spat.
"Try me dude." Johnny winked at him and headed to the door.

"The demon lord was hard for a human~" Johnny sing song.

"Wtf Johnny!!"
"Aha? Did you call me?" Johnny stopped by the door and asked innocently as if he just didn't threatened the Demon lord.

"Oh dude we need to add spices to things, just how those News channels says Breaking News!!" He air quoted with his fingers.

Jaehyun glared. Not like anyone can question him if he goes after someone but this will surely give them a way to tease him. And knowing Hyuck, that boy will annoy the shit out of him.

Hell nah!

"But you will finish your work first." he said in defeat. Hadn't johnny be his childhood best friend, he would have made sure to throw him in the hell fire.

"Ufff the power of holding secrets!!!" Johnny squealed. "And you are coming with me this time." He said and squat down douching the fire ball thrown at him. "see ya at night bruh!" Johnny ran out of the room.
Jaehyun just sighed in annoyance. He would rather punish the sinners than watch the humans committing sins. And knowing Johnny, he would probably drag him in some mess.

Well it wont be that bad, right? Life is boring as hell in the hell so why not tag along?

And guess what.....its booooooring ......its hella boring!!! Drunk people letting out their inner wild beasts, not having control of their own body and mind, people falling prey for lust, reeks of alcohol, blinding lights.....nothing interesting if you ask the demon lord.

humans losing their mind just by this pathetic alcohol.

He swirled the glass in his hand. Nothing compared to what they have in hell.

".....so? Enjoying ??"
"Do I look like?"
Johnny chuckled at his friend's antics.

"Have patience bro. You know Johnny never makes false promises." And as a cue the lights went off and it was dark except the only spot light focused on the stage. Two people stood there at the center of the stage. The music started and so was the hooting and whistling from the audiences.
One of the two people on the stage turned around and winked.

HEAVEN IN HELL || jaeyong [Incomplete]Where stories live. Discover now