'Did I wake you? I am sorry.'

'It's fine,' Buford ran another hand through his hair, suddenly wishing he'd had a few minutes to clean up. He was sure he looked horrid, what with his hair all out of place and his clothes all rumpled. His sweats and t-shirt looked disgraceful next to Baljeet's smart pair of black jeans and white dress shirt. 'What's up?'

'I...' the boy faltered, biting his lip. Chocolate brown eyes darted up to glance at him before once again staring at the floor. 'I wanted to apologize for not waiting by the school sign for us to walk home together like usual.'

'Ya don't have to say sorry, 'Jeet,' Buford crossed his arms, weirded out by how nervous the boy was acting. Sure, he'd seen Baljeet nervous before. But this was a whole new level. It made his own palms sweaty, and his own heart pound.

'Listen, about what happened second period...' the boy hesitated when Buford stiffened, but rushed on. 'Were you actually going to... I mean, were you really...?'

He trailed off into silence, looking confused and lost. Buford felt another twinge of guilt, but pushed it aside. 'Spit it out, Baljeet.'

'Were you really going to kiss me?' the boy whispered, his eyes fixed firmly on his black shoes as his cheeks flushed scarlet.

Buford watched him, fighting the urge to flee. This was not what he wanted to be doing. Lying, manipulating, hurting. That wasn't his thing. But he had to do this. Otherwise... The other option was unthinkable. Taking a breath, he grunted out, 'yeah.'

'Why?' the Indian teenager finally looked up, his brown eyes both curious and shy.

'You know why.'

He couldn't say it out loud. Couldn't find the courage. He was afraid his voice would break if he did, betray his nervousness, his lies. He avoided eye contact, staring at a spot to Baljeet's right instead. However, when the boy moved a hand to push impatiently at a strand of curly hair in his face, Buford's gaze was pulled to him. He saw the smile tugging at full lips, and felt his heart slamming painfully against his chest. This was just wrong.

'In that case...' Baljeet pushed himself away from the door, taking small steps towards Buford and sitting next to him on the bed, looking curiously into his face, which Buford knew must have been bright red. He'd never actually been in this kind of situation with someone, guy or girl, and he wasn't sure where to go from here. 'I am sorry I pushed you away. I was startled.'

Should he try for another kiss? Act like he was still offended? Make a joke? Would Chris expect him to make a move?

How the hell do people do this? he wondered. Flirting was just so damn complicated. He settled for the only thing that felt right, and gave a hesitant smile. 'It's okay.'

'You have never acted this way before,' Baljeet noted with a smile that was just a little bit cocky.

'Guess I'm good at hiding it?' it was the only thing that came to his head, and he cursed at how stupid it sounded. He really needed to think before he opened his damn mouth. Baljeet didn't seem to mind, though. The Indian laughed and shook his head.

'Very good,' he agreed. There was a tense pause, and Baljeet's gaze shifted from Buford's eyes to his lips. Oh man, is he expecting me to try to kiss him again? What am I supposed to do? I don't even know how to kiss-

Buford's train of thought was interrupted when Baljeet leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He froze, every muscle in his body tensing up as panic clawed at his gut, up his throat. After a moment, Baljeet pulled back, brown eyes concerned. 'Are you okay?'

'Yeah,' he managed, forcing his tense body to loosen. He hadn't expected to react so badly to a little kiss, but Mary from the phone help line had explained that these kinds of things did happen sometimes. He was going to have to get over it, however, if he wanted to get this mission over and done with. He took a breath and prepared himself. 'You just startled me. You didn't have to pull away.'

Keeping Secrets: Baljeet X Buford Where stories live. Discover now