'Aren't you going to move?' I flinched as I was startled by her. 

'You don't have to do that, I almost got a heart attack' I said while touching my chest indicating my love for myself. 

'You should wash up and maybe try to wash your brain to prevent being dumb in the morning' She said and went back to bed lying down next to me. 

'How dare you, and for your information, I can't walk' I said and turned my back on her. After what she did earlier she'll be like this? I can't with her mood swings. 

'I know that, just stay like this for a while' She said while snaking her filthy arms around my waist. Now she's being sweet again. She's really confusing me. Yes, I called her arms filthy because she's a bitch earlier for teasing slightly bullying me. 

I didn't respond. I just stayed like that. Because I think I'm gonna die because of her. I need to stop the time so she'll be hugging me for as long as I want. 

'Come on' She suddenly said and I didn't get what she meant until she carried me again into a bridal style. She went to the bathroom and tossed me a bath robe and a towel. 

'Just call me when you're done' Then she left me with nothing but the towel and a bathrobe. My clothes are outside. Is that the reason why she gave me a bathrobe and a towel? I felt my cheeks went hot. I am blushing I know. 

I spent a lot of time in the bathroom because I'm trying to calm myself. I am thinking how I can get unaffected by Tzuyu's charms and her sweet affections. 

I can't think of anything so I just finished taking a bath and I used my right foot to jump and reach the bathroom door. I don't want to call her since I'm naked and it will be awkward. I opened the door and I saw Tzuyu on the bed using her phone. Waiting for me. I almost punched myself because of embarrassment. 

'I told you to call me when you're done' She's so strict. I don't get her mood swings. She's unpredictable. 

'I am bare naked under this robe so I was just' I couldn't finish my sentence and she lifted me and brought me to the bed which is surprisingly my luggage is here. 

'I didn't open your things because it's yours. I'll lock the door and this time call me when you're done because we're going to eat breakfast' She said. Before she leaves she locks the door. 

After a few minutes of putting on clothes. I called Tzuyu on my phone. Before she could answer I ended it because how can she go inside if the door is locked? We are kinda stupid doing that.

Now, I jumped again using my ability to balance with one foot. I feel like I'm a kung fu fighter. Not a panda, okay? 

I unlocked the door and called Tzuyu again. This time she answered. 

'Are you done?' She asked. 

'I wouldn't call you if I'm not done' I said sarcastically. She deserves a bit of sarcasm after showing her mood swings on me. 

'Woah, no need to be sarcastic, I'll get you, wait up' Then she hangs up. What a great person. 

Less than a minute she's already here. Is she McQueen? The red 95 racing car on the show cars. 

She turned her back on me and she kneeled. I immediately hopped on her back and we went outside. I sniff her neck and it smells so nice. I couldn't imagine getting healed so she would carry me all the time and gotta smell this every time. 

We arrived at the kitchen where most of them are eating breakfast on the dining table. 

'Sweetness in the morning, I see' Sakura innocently said and sipped her coffee. 

'That's why our baby Tzuyu was cooking earlier and a little grumpy about the food she was cooking' This time it's Nayeon unnie who teased her. I immediately hid my face on her back. 

'Just mind your own business and I'll manage mine' She said and she gently put me down. 

'Eat your food and don't waste anything' She puts a plate in front of me and a glass of milk. What's on the plate? Bacons, egg, and fried rice. Seriously, does she want me to get fat? I got slimmer this year and she'll feed me this much in the morning? Oh Jeez I almost thought that she's my girlfriend but nah. She's not. 

'How about you?' I asked her. 

'Just eat' She said coldly not minding the others. Literally minding her own business. I nodded and started to eat. It is awkward to eat while she's watching. 

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