Chapter 28: At Last

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Anotherr chapterrr guysseuu ❤️😘


Jimin's POV

"Jin hyung please calm down your crying since yesterday pls hyung" i said

When taehyung came yesterday at the meeting room all of us got shocked it's been 4 years since taehyung gave us a contact and also jin hyung taehyung called jin hyung years ago

"I-i can't stop crying jimin taebear i wanted to hug him" jin hyung said then i caressed his back

"Don't worry jin hyung i wanted to talk to tae too and i want to see him tomorrow" i said

I hug jin hyung and comfort him and the guys are downstairs with a sad jungkook

After jungkook finish the task with tae yesterday night he went here crying then he said to us that he saw tae with a cute little boy and ethan my cousin

I was so surprised when jungkook said that taehyung has a family with ethan and he knew yesterday that ethan is my cousin jungkook didn't met ethan before

I was hugging jin hyung when my phone ring

I grab my phone then and look who is calling and i saw a unknown number i got curious but i answered it

"Hello who's this" i said then i heard nothing but then

"H-hello h-hyung?" the other person said

I gasped when i heard the familiar voice then a tear left my eyes jin hyung looked at me and asking if who is it then i put it on speaker

"Tae is it r-really you?" I said then jin hyung widen his eyes and cried

"Yes hyung it's m-me your taebear" taehyung said

Then we heard him cry

"Taebaby i miss you so much oh my god! Can we see you today?please tae" jin hyung said

"Yes hyungie that's why i called jimin hyung and i thought hyung changed his number but yea you can come here and also i wanted you both to meet my angel" taehyung said that we smiled

"Oh I'll just text you my address hyungie okay i gotta go hyungie his waiting for me their I'll see you later i love you both" taehyung said then the call ended

Then few minutes later taehyung texted his address then jin hyung went out to go to his room to changed too

( Few minutes later )

I went out then i saw jin hyung came out of their room then we run downstairs

"Where are you guys going?" Yoongi said then i grabbed my car keys we will use my car instead

"To a secret place" i said then i went to yoongi and kiss him then jin hyung went to namjoon hyung too

"What? I didn't know that you both had a secret place" namjoon hyung said

"Come on jin hyung we don't want to let him wait" i said then jin hyung nod

"Wait! Get back here what you both talking about" hoseok hyung said then we run to my car get inside then i started my car and drove to taehyung's place

Author's POV

Taehyung was getting ready and hus so excited and a little bit nervous then he went up to check on taejung and saw taejung watching iron man on his ipad

"Taejung what are you doing?" Taehyung said then went to taejung's side

"I'm just watching iron man mom why?" Taejung said

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