"No, stop being such a dick and listen to me" Liv stated

"Okay, what?" Theo huffed

"It's Naomi..." Liv started, watching Theo's face to see if he gave anything away just by her saying Naomi's name

"Lol what does she have to do with me" Theo laughed, hiding the fact that his heart rate quickened at the mention of her name. He hadn't seen her since that night. Did she tell Liv? Did something happen to her?

"Stop putting on this dumb act, I spoke to Joe and I know you like her" Liv stated, tired of Theo's lies.

"I don't" Theo grumbled

"Deny it all you want but she's not okay" Liv explained

"Okay, but what's that got to do with me, once again?" Theo asked, frustrated at the fact that Liv wouldn't tell him what was wrong with Naomi already

"Uhhh, I don't know, maybe cause she's been in this depressive episode ever since the night you won the football match. And the party, where she disappeared for about fifteen minutes and when I found her she was disoriented, coming out of your room?" Liv revealed

"No you didn't" Theo denied, he grew nervous at the fact that Naomi had been seen leaving his room. Who else had seen them that night?

"Um yes I did, she even said do.

"She said so?" Theo interrupted, needing to know what Naomi had said about coming out of his room

"Yes." Liv answered in a duh tone, "She needed the toilet and used yours, she said. But it sounds like more than that from your reaction and the way she was acting, so I'll ask the simple question- what the fuck did you do to her?" She questioned

"Nothing" He muttered. Deny, deny, deny is all he thought. He couldn't get the blame for something he knew nothing about.

"Yes you fucking did Theo! Just tell me what happened. What happened the night everything changed?" Liv pleaded

Theo couldn't help but hear the hurt in Liv's voice as she asked him why Naomi wasn't okay. He didn't even know what was wrong with her, but he couldn't deny he probably had a part to play in her current state of mind. He couldn't help but worry about how she was doing. He couldn't even look Liv in the eye as she asked him more questions.

"Did you two sleep together or something?" Liv asked

Theo was still in his own thoughts as Liv asked the question. He didn't answer. He couldn't. He couldn't even think about anything else other than Naomi. Was she okay? What happened-.

"You slept together?!" Liv gasped

"What? No" Theo responded, snapping back into reality

"Then what? What did you to her? Did you two kiss or something?" Liv joked, laughing at the absurd situation. There was no way they kissed. Naomi and Theo. Not a chance, they probably just argued again. Liv was just asking all these questions because she wanted to see how funny it would be to see Theo's face imagining getting off with Naomi.

Theo finally met Liv's eyes as he held a straight face.

"Yeah...and I told her I liked her" Theo finally admitted

Liv stopped laughing and stood still in shock. Theo actually liked Naomi. He kissed her? They kissed? But Naomi was with Seb? She was so happy? Liv would of never thought any of this was going on. How long was it going on? What were and Naomi and Theo doing before that night for him to fall for her? She couldn't believe Naomi was keeping all of this a secret. She didn't hate her for it, but she was just shocked.

"You do know Naomi doesn't do love and relationships and all of that, right? She doesn't believe in it." Liv reminded Theo

Yes right now, with the sour mood of everything that probably wasn't the right time, to beat a guy when he's already down but who was she to know whether Theo's intentions were pure? He could just be outing on this innocent act to get her sympathy so that she wouldn't lash out on him for potentially being the cause of the recent Seb and Naomi situation

Wait, no scratch that even if Theo was to blame for starting it, Seb was still ultimately to blame because he was the one who put his hands on Naomi. God, even thinking about it now made her so mad that she could feel the best rushing to her neck and that sickly itchiness one gets when they're tense.

"I know, neither do I" He said

"Then why did you tell her that you liked her?" Liv pointed out

"I don't know! I wasn't thinking and one thing lead to another and I kissed her. Then she pushed me away and I just thought... I thought that if I told her that, it would make her choose me over him" Theo spilled

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