13. Pretty, Little Secret

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Manipulation, Gaslighting, Implied pedophilia, Implied predatory behaviour.


"Appa, Dad, I'm going to the washroom", Jimin says suddenly, feeling unwell, mind replaying the way that man had looked at him, a dangerous, almost smug smile on his face. Jimin feels sick to his stomach. The crowded hall is suffocating him. He needs to get out of here.

"Okay, I'll come with you", Jungkook says, attempting to stand up but Jimin stops him with a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. "Dad, there's no need. I can go by myself. It's no big deal", he insists. He needs to be alone for a moment.

Namjoon's eyebrows furrow in concern. "Are you sure, honey? Dad can accompany you. It's not something to be ashamed of. You're still just a kid", he tries assuring but to no avail, Jimin just politely denies his offer, brushing off his worries.

"Fine. Just come back soon. You have your phone, yeah?", Jungkook asks. Jimin smiles at him, nodding before heading off towards the direction of the washroom. Namjoon had already told him and Taehyung where it is in case they needed to use it.

Jimin sighs as he finally reaches the washroom, walking straight towards the sink. He holds the edges of the wash basin and looks straight up into the mirror, sighing once again, heavier this time.

He doesn't know why he's feeling this way. After everything that's been happening with him, all it took was a stranger to set him off like this. He doesn't like feeling uncomfortable and scared but that's exactly what he's experiencing right now.

He hates this.

"Aw, sweetheart, why are you crying?"

Jimin startles, choking on his own tears— when did he start crying?— when he hears someone else's voice. He thought he was alone in here! He focuses on the figure behind him, looking right into his eyes through the mirror.

"What are you doing here?", he gasps, turning around in a hurry. Hwayoung shrugs. "Why do people go to the washroom, sweetheart?", he asks, voice innocent enough to have anyone fooled but Jimin's not naive.

"Stop calling me that", he hisses. "You could've simply done your business and left yet you're here talking to me. Why?" he demands. He's feeling a little apprehensive about talking to someone older than him so rudely but judging from his appa's interaction with Hwayoung, he knows this man can't be trusted.

"Because I was worried about you. I couldn't just leave when you were crying like that", Hwayoung says timidly, batting his eyelashes, brows creasing as he easily feigns concern. Jimin falters a little, worried he's hurt the older man's feelings but proceeds with his next words anyway.

"Well, you don't need to be. We don't know each other. I'm sorry but it was really creepy of you to sneak up on me like that. We're not friends. We're strangers", he says sternly, hoping the other man gets the memo and backs off.

Unfortunately for Jimin, he doesn't.

"Sweetheart, of course I'm not going to just leave you like this. You're Namjoonie's son. We're not strangers", he insists. "I'm hurt you'd even say that", he says sadly, still keeping up his worried act. Jimin bites his lip, feeling helpless. After all, he's just a kid. He doesn't know how to deal with an adult gaslighting him. Well, that's if he even knows he's being subjected to gaslighting.

"I'm sorry, Hwayoung-ssi. I—", "Just call me hyung", Hwayoung says, cutting him off. Something dark flashes in his eyes and Jimin feels obliged to listen to him, suddenly feeling a little afraid and a lot more alarmed.

"Hwayoung hyung, I think I should go", he says politely, about to leave when the older man grabs his wrist. Jimin's body freezes and he almost panics when Hwayoung doesn't let go of his hand at once. Almost because Hwayoung is speaking again and Jimin doesn't have the time to focus on his exploding nerves.

"Why, sweetheart? Aren't you gonna cry some more? You can let it all out, you know?", he says gently, looking right into Jimin's scared brown eyes as if trying to hypnotise him. "I don't have anything to cry about", Jimin lies swiftly, looking away.

Hwayoung clicks his tongue. "Sweetheart, don't even bother thinking I don't know about what's happening with you in school", he says easily. Jimin's eyes widen and in a sudden rush, he yanks his wrist out of the older man's hold, shocked.

"Nothing is happening with me in school!", he yells, forgetting for a second that there might be people outside. He realizes it quickly and makes amends. "How do you even know? No one knows about it", he whispers, more to himself than to the other man, not realising he's just contradicted his own words, proving Hwayoung's right.

"Sweetheart, you might not know me but I've known you for quite a while now. I'm not your dad or your appa. Unlike them, I actually care about you and want to protect you", Hwayoung says, making a sad face as he looks at Jimin.

Jimin's hands are shaking. He doesn't know what this man is talking about.

"What the fuck are you saying?! My dad and appa care about me more than anything! How do you even know all this?! Are you stalking me or something?!", he shouts, eyes widening at his own words. He doesn't know if he wants Hwayoung to accept or deny his accusation.

"No, sweetheart. I know it because of... reasons. Reasons I can't tell you about right now. Just know that even if your dad and appa might not worry about you, I do. I don't want you to get hurt. You can always rely on me. You can always come to me when—"

For a moment, Jimin thinks Hwayoung's voice has faded away and his ears are ringing but it's not long before he realizes that Hwayoung has stopped talking and the ringing in his ears is because of his phone and not because of his erratic heartbeat.

It's his dad.

"Hello? Y-Yeah. Sorry. I'm coming", he says, trying hard to keep the shake out of his voice. Thankfully, it works. Jungkook doesn't suspect anything.

Jimin's about to leave without glancing at Hwayoung at all when the older man speaks again.

"Think about it, sweetheart. If your parents care so much about you, why don't they know about your pretty, little secret?"


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