12. Do you have to let it linger?

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"You both don't have to do anything. Just greet a few people here and there. Dad and I will handle everything else, okay?", Namjoon asks. Jimin and Taehyung nod. They just need to greet a few people. Sounds easy enough.

"It's settled, then. Let's head inside", Jungkook says, climbing out of the car. Namjoon is quick to wrap his arm around his waist, pulling him closer to himself. "I knew I was just a trophy husband for you", Jungkook jokes.

"You got that right, baby", Namjoon counters, making Jungkook pout at the unexpected reply. "They're so corny", Jimin whispers to Taehyung, trailing behind their parents. He's smiling even as he says it.

Taehyung looks at him with a similar expression. "You love them", he whispers back. Jimin laughs quietly, guilty as charged. "This is going to be boring", he mumbles. "Well, we'll just have to endure it for a few hours. This is important for Appa", Taehyung replies seriously.

Jimin nods, letting his brother know that he's indeed aware of how important this stupid party is for his Appa. He hates rich snobs, even if his parents' are two of them (except the snob part, of course). He especially hates the way they pretend to care about whoever they meet.

"Okinawa-san, pleasure to see you. This is my husband, Jungkook", Namjoon introduces as soon as an old Japanese man comes to greet them, a woman probably in her twenty's clinging to his arm.

"Namjoon-san, the pleasure is all mine. Nice to finally meet you, Jungkook-san", the old man says, shaking Namjoon's hand and then extending his own for Jungkook to take. Jungkook smiles politely and shakes his hand.

"These are our children. Jimin and Taehyung", Namjoon says, smiling proudly as the two boys bow to the man in greeting. Okinawa smiles at both of them, endeared by their manners. "You have wonderful kids", he compliments.

"They're the best", Jungkook says, also looking super proud. "I can see that", Okinawa nods, still smiling. "Please take your seats and make yourselves comfortable. I wouldn't want you all to be standing for the rest of the party", he says as the host of the party.

Namjoon nods and leads them to their table. "There aren't a lot of people you'll have to greet so don't be nervous. Loosen up", Jungkook says with a chuckle when he notices how awkward his kids are looking.

"We can leave anytime, okay? Just let me know if you feel uncomfortable. You too, Kook", Namjoon speaks, sounding serious. Jungkook laughs, rubbing his thigh under the table. "Calm down, babe. It's not a big deal. We'll let you know if we don't feel good", he assures.

Namjoon nods, almost slumping in his seat before he remembers something and his eyes widen. "I forgot to tell you all about—",


Namjoon winces. He knows that annoying voice. "Hwayoung, hey", he says, standing up, trying to sound as disinterested as possible. "Where have you been all these years? I thought you were dead or something", Hwayoung says with a mean laugh.

Taehyung and Jimin audibly gasp while Jungkook winces. "Well, you know, life happened. Got married and all", Namjoon replies, unfazed. "I can see that. Probably got busy with kids", Hwayoung says, a mocking edge to his voice.

Namjoon is still too unfazed to react. "You can say that", he agrees easily, shocking Hwayoung a little. The man doesn't let it show but Namjoon has known him for a very long time to not catch these little things about him.

"Why don't you introduce me to them?", Hwayoung suggests, looking annoyingly smug. "Right", Namjoon says before turning around and giving his family a reassuring smile. "This is my husband, Jungkook. Kook, this is Hwayoung, one of my friends from college", he introduces.

Jungkook smiles and bows politely at him even though that's the last thing he wants to do. "My sons, Jimin and Taehyung", Namjoon gestures at the two who then haphazardly bow to the much older man, feeling a little restless in his presence.

"Your family is quite good-looking, I must say", Hwayoung says, a suggestive lilt to his voice. Namjoon's face hardens for the first time since Hwayoung started talking to him. "Don't make it weird, I know how you are", he warns.

Hwayoung rolls his eyes. "Oh come on, Namjoon-ah. It was just a compliment. No need to get pissy about it", he says. Namjoon is about to retort when a fairly good-looking man attaches himself to Hwayoung's back.

"Okinawa-san is looking for you", he purrs in the man's ear. Hwayoung smiles at him. It's as fake as Namjoon remembers it to be. "I'm coming, darling. You go talk to him. I'll be right there", he says, kissing the man's jaw.

"Mmm", the man hums and disappears into the other side of the room. "He was my arm candy for tonight, if you were wondering", Hwayoung provides uselessly. Namjoon huffs. "I really wasn't but good to know", he replies sarcastically.

"You still haven't changed, I see", Hwayoung chuckles. Namjoon scoffs at him. "You haven't either, Hwayoung-ah. Anyway, I think you should go now. Okinawa-san must be waiting for you", he instructs.

"Fine, fine. I'm going to leave you and your sweet little family alone. Hit me up if you ever need something, maybe I'll pick up your calls if you're lucky enough", he laughs loudly, swirling the grape wine around his flute.

"Really kind of you", Namjoon says and Jungkook almost snorts at satire dripping from his lips. He doesn't know what his deal is with Hwayoung but what he does know is that his husband is a very petty person. He only speaks irony with the people he hates.

"Thanks. Allow me to take my leave. See you soon, Namjoon-ah", Hwayoung says and walks away, his body language as smug as it has always been. Namjoon scoffs as Jungkook tries to calm him down.

No one notices the way Hwayoung's eyes linger on Jimin from afar.

Well, no one but Jimin himself.


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