7. And it Continues

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Bullying, Violence, Pedophilia is briefly mentioned, Panic attack (not a full blown one).


"I don't want to go to school", Jimin mumbles as Jungkook wakes him up. His father frowns. "Huh, why not? It's only your second day, Mimi", he says, concern lacing his voice. Jimin sighs. "I just don't feel like it", he lies. Jungkook sees right through his bullshit. "Mimi, you always feel like going to school. What's wrong? Did someone say something to you? You can tell me anything, honey", he coaxes.

Hearing Jungkook's worried tone, Jimin decides to spill the truth. He doesn't want to worry him too much. "I---", "Kook!", Namjoon's voice cuts Jimin off. Jungkook doesn't waver, though. He's still looking at Jimin expectantly. Jimin opens his mouth to speak again but Namjoon cuts him off once again. "Kookie!"

Jungkook sighs. "Your appa is so annoying", he groans. "I'll be back, okay?", he says gently, patting Jimin's thigh. Then, he sits up from the bed and exits the room. Jimin looks down at his lap, fidgeting with his fingers. That was close. He'll tell Jungkook about his rowdy classmates some other time. 

Feeling downcast, he gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for yet another day of school. He just hopes today will be better than his first day.


Today is not any better.

Jimin didn't get to tell Jungkook about what was bothering him since his dad was busy with his appa and Taehyung and he seemed to have forgotten about the whole conversation with Jimin, claiming he had to be in his studio half an hour prior to his normal time, something about having to prepare an idol group for their upcoming event.

"Look at this little baby", Ravi says, coming up to where Jimin is sitting in the library. He intentionally chose the farthest corner but the bullies managed to find him anyway. Of course. He sighs exasperatedly.

"Just tell me what the fuck do you want from me", he snaps. Ravi laughs. His friends, like the brainless fools they are, are quick to follow. "I don't want anything from you, Jimin-ah. Wouldn't want to catch the virus, you know?", Ravi mocks.

Jimin feels bone tired just listening to his bullshit. He picks up his books and backpack and is about to leave without another word when someone pulls him back by his bag.

"What the fuck?", he groans in pain as he hits the ground, wrist twisting under his own crushing weight and making a sickening crack resonate throughout the quiet library. God, where's the librarian when you need him?

"Poor baby. Does it hurt?", Kai laughs sarcastically. Jimin feels tears well up in his big eyes and he keeps his head down, not wanting to give them another thing to pick on him about. He knows it's of no use when someone grabs his chin harshly, making him look up at them with glossy eyes.

"We heard you have a brother, Jimin-ah", he says, smiling evilly. Ravi crouches down beside him. "That's right, Mino. He does have a little baby brother. Does he go to this school, Jimin-ssi? Won't you want us to have some fun with him as well?", he fake pouts.

Jimin's eyes widen. No, they can't get to Taehyung. He's not much younger than himself but he surely won't be able to handle these bullies by himself. Besides, he's a gentle soul. He wouldn't know how to react.

"Just leave me alone!", he yells. It's not loud enough, just a faint scream that is easily muffled by the boys' laughter. "He's adopted, too, right? Hmm, I wonder why your gay parents adopted two boys. They could've adopted girls. Unless...", Ravi trails off, laughing hysterically.

Jimin's blood goes col when Kai completes Ravi's sentence for him.

"Unless they're fucking pedos".

His ears start ringing with the loud noise Kai's words make in his ears. At that particular moment, he feels nothing but anger course through his veins. And he does what he thinks any child would do if someone's talking shit about their very loving parents.

He stands up from the ground and lands a sharp punch to Kai's face, making his head hit the wooden shelf behind it. Jimin's hand throbs with immense pain when he realizes he used the hand with the twisted wrist to punch the asshole.

But what horrifies him is the way Kai is holding the back of his head, blood seeping through the fresh injury. It isn't a lot but it's enough to make Jimin realize what he has just done, enough to make him feel dizzy about it.

"Hey! What the hell are you children doing there?!", the librarian's voice blooms in the air but Jimin can hear none of it. He can feel his panic attack nearing and just like Jungkook had taught him, he starts counting in his head, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

It works, at least for now.

"What's going on here? What's the new boy doing here? And what--- oh my god, Kai! What the hell happened?!", he screams once he sees the blood on his head and some of it on the shelf behind him.

"God, call the nurse, go!", he orders and Mino quickly runs to the telephone on the librarian's table. "Oh my god, I should probably bring my first aid kit", the librarian says and runs to wherever he has kept his kit.

Shownu, another boy from Ravi's tram, crowds Jimin's space, taking advantage of the librarian being gone for a few minutes. "Complain about us and we'll make sure to find your brother and teach him a lesson, too", he threatens.

Jimin's eyes widen. Logically, he knows they can't do anything and he should probably tell his parents about this whole ordeal but it's so scary to think about Taehyung being hurt that Jimin finds himself nodding.

"Just go with whatever he say", is what he hears before the librarian is back with the kit and is starting to dress Kai's wounds. Once he's done, he stands up and glares at them all.

"Principal office, now!"


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