chapter 8

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In still evening but yoongi's side:

Yoongi's pov:

My dad went from orphanage after meeting with kids, i started to do my work but couldn't focused on the work, jimin was still on my mind, because of him i started to believe in love, but that was all fake, maybe he didn't loved me in first place, i did everything to make him happy, but what he did?broke my trust, left me alone, but now i don't want to cry over him, i don't want to be weak, i am strong, maybe i should move on from him, that's good idea, if i will think about him everyday, it will broke me more, should i wait for real happiness like dad said? should i wait for someone who will loved me for who i am? should i give one more chance to believe in love?

But what if that one more chance will became my worst decision, what if that person also broke my heart, oh god what should i do now, i am so scared, i was so caught in my thought that i didn't realised one tear rolled down on my cheek.

"Yoonie hyungiee, why chu clying?"(why are you crying) i heard someone saying.

"Hey sehun, i am not crying little one"i said with fake smile.

"Bwut(but) mina noona swaid we cly(cry) when we awe hwut(hurt), who hwut chu meow meow hyungieeee, mwe(me) an' mihyun hyungie wiw(will) bwoke(broke)theiw lewgs(legs) an' hwands(hands) an' tum tum(stomach), dwon't cly meow meow hyungieee"he said with cute pout, his bambi eyes are sparkling, aishh why kids are so cute, when i am with them, all the worries disapear.

"I am not crying little one, don't worry, your meow meow hyungie is fine, and you are speaking like young man, don't you think you are very young for this kind of words?"i said while sitting on my knees to his level.

"Bwut i velly(verry) bwig(big), mina noona swaid i nwo(no) mwore(more) lwittle(little) kid"he said with pouty lips, i cooed at him.

"Looks like your mina noona teaching you very well little one, i don't know what will you do when you grow up" i said with smile on my face.

He sign me to go near him so i go near him and he kissed on my cheek and smile.

"No cwy meow meow hyungie, sehunie dwon't wike when hyungie cwy, otey(okey)?"

I chuckled and nodded my head while ruffling his hair, he ran away from the place to play around, after that my all sadness are gone and smile replace on my saden face  may be i should move on from him and start new life, i opened my phone galary, saw all photos of me and him last time and delete all the photos which remind me of him.

"Good bye jimin from my life" i said and start to work again, but someone inturpt me.

"Yoongie oppa, i want to a-ask you some-something?"

"Ohhh, mina what is that?and why are stuttering?" i ask her, she looks nervous.

"Ahh...ummm...can i get 3 days off? I am sorry oppa but its very import-"

"Hey...hey...don't appologies, and ofcourse you can go, but can i know the reason? If you are comfortable"

" my mother is hospitalized, she is unconscious now, i have to look after her, so can i?"

" ofcourse you can, after all she is your mother, make sure she will batter soon okey? and never ever hasitate to ask me something okey? you took good care of children, taught them good things, and i will be happy to help you, you sees me as your big brother right? So you can ask me anything mina"

"Thank you oppa, i took care of them because they are so innocent, they doesn't know about the real world, i teach them good things because i don't want them to feel alone and insecure, and yes you are my big brother, who helped me when i needed, who gave me a new life with this cute little world, which is my home now, thank you oppa, i don't know how to pay you back, i -"

" hey, you said i am your big brother, so which sister pays back to his brother huhh? you deserve happiness too and..."i pulled out money from the drower and give her," take this, it will help you"

", you already helped me enough, i don't need-"

" shhh...take this as a gift okey?"

"But oppa.."

"Shhh, no more arguement, now go you will be late, its already evening"

" okey thank you so much oppa"she left the place, i smiled, i fell so happy to help others.

Mina was college girl, one day his father tried to kill her on empty road but yoongi by chance pased near them, when he saw that someone is trying to kill a girl, he goes to them and saved the girl,and send his father to jail, after that accident he offered her to work in his orphanage and she agreed, thats how they met.

Broken....but still alive [ Taegi ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt