Souta froze. Golden? Snake-like? He could only think of one person, but it couldn't be. Of course it couldn't be. Souta, the stress is finally going to your head, he said to himself, shaking his head. His son couldn't be involved with a man like Orochimaru.


Misaki looked worriedly at her son and then looked torn in front of her. She was worried too, but she didn't know what to do differently, what to say differently. She would have liked to tell her son the truth, the truth that Souta had muttered to her one night, drunk to the bone, but she couldn't do that to her children. Not to her own flesh and blood. And that's why she lied, smiled and said that everything was okay. They all knew it wasn't.


His fingers ran stressed through his hair, unkempt and scruffy, neglected by his stress. Orochi translates to the eight-headed snake or simply snake and his son- No, Souta get a grip, it' s not Kenta! He groaned defeatedly and his gaze found its way back to his partner.

"What else?" he asked, his thoughts flickering over and over to his son.

"I know where his hiding place is" the man replied and all at once his thoughts were blank. He sighed heavily.


Midoriya sank a bit into her chair, overwhelmed with the depressed mood. He wanted to break them up, to help them somehow, but he couldn't. You clearly have no business here, the voice whispered, you would only make things worse. And it hurt, it hurt because he knew it was true.


"Contact the pro heroes and prepare the units. We'll be moving out in a few days."

The words lay heavy on his tongue, his eyes not even focused on the person in front of him as he stared off into the distance. Unblinking. Only when he was alone again did he find his way back to the present. He turned and looked out of the window, into the darkness of the night. His face was reflected in front of him and he looked himself in his blank eyes.

Slowly, he raised his hands, letting them move to his neck and close around it. Death. As dead as the people who died because of him. The massacre, the blood, their dead eyes, the silent screams, the horrified families looking at him with so much sadness and hatred at the same time. Why did you let them die? they asked him. He had killed their family. They had lost their family because of him. Family.

Jerking his hand away from his neck, he stared at them, breathing heavily, then looked back up at his reflection. He laughed, hollow and powerless.

He was really broken, huh?


Orochimaru ignored the others around him. He didn't care about their troubles. He didn't care about his father. He concentrated fully on the memories of the clones, which came rushing into him in regular intervals and informed him of the situation. His pupils were still ignorant of the storm that was building up. It was to remain that way for the time being.

His eyes flew over the individuals who had gathered in the room. And they did not know how close the kettle was about to boil over. The flames that hissed and burned behind their backs, slowly dragging life after life into the depths, destroying them, shattering them. Their cries, their pleading and begging, all that was hidden behind a thick curtain. And as long as it was not torn open, they would eat here ignorant and deceived by a false facade. For this world was not perfect, all would not be well.

Because heroes couldn't always win the battle.


"It's nice that you were there" Misaki said to Midoriya the next morning. He smiled a little forcedly and eyed the boy standing next to the woman.

A New Start -Bnha x NarutoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon