The 'practical' interview

Start from the beginning

"You look gorgeous."

She smiled as Seb appeared behind her in the mirror's reflection and immediately wrapped his arms around her. "And you smell sweaty already." She remarked as she noticed his glowing cheeks from running outside in the cold, frosty air.

"I think the new PT wants to push me hard." He spent a moment taking in his wife's appearance in the mirror, his eyes lingering on her bare midriff and the way her royal blue velvet sweatpants hung low on her hips. She was showing off her figure in her Gucci tracksuit and he knew exactly why. "You don't need to go to all this effort." He murmured before kissing her neck where it was bared by her hair being swept to one side. "You know I've only got eyes for you."

"If I've gone to any effort, I've done it for me, not you and certainly not for her downstairs." She retorted, removing his hands from her body and stepping away from him.

He huffed and shoved his hands into his pockets, telling himself not to lose patience with her. "Come and meet her before you decide that you don't like her."

"I didn't say that I didn't like her, it'll be whether or not I feel like I can trust her." She looked at herself in the mirror again and lightly ran a fingertip over her eyebrows, checking that there wasn't a single hair out of place.

"Or is it me that's the issue? Is it me who you don't trust?" Seb asked accusingly.

She turned around and slipped her arms up and around his neck, looking into his gorgeous blue eyes while nibbling on her bottom lip, knowing that it one was of those things she did that was guaranteed to drive him wild. "You know I trust you, it's just hard for me when you're thousands of miles away and I have to look at images of you online with various women hanging on to you."

"They're fans, nothing more and they're not all women either." He gently placed his thumb on her bottom lip, making her close her eyes and dart her tongue out to suggestively lick the tip. It was a small action that instantly had big effects on his body. "Don't do that, you know what it does to me."

"Don't do what?" She asked in fake innocence, batting her lashes at him.

He kept his thumb on her bottom lip, his mind already providing an image of her on her knees with his dick in her mouth. When she took hold of his hand to slip his thumb into her mouth and lightly suck on it he couldn't stop the groan that fell from his lips. "You know exactly what you're doing."

She said nothing, pleased to have his full attention. With a suggestive raise of her brow, she popped his thumb out from her mouth and lowered herself down to her knees.

Seb was quickly under her spell, fuck the training, that could wait.


"So is this normal?" Aleksandra asked, bristling with annoyance over Seb's sudden disappearance upstairs as they came back out of the gym.

"It's standard equipment that all F1 drivers use yeah." Antti looked back at the specialised bit of kit used to strengthen Seb's neck and upper body.

"I mean his disappearing act."

"Ahhh....." He closed the door, it hadn't taken long for her to notice that Seb was easily distracted when at home with his wife and kids.

"So it is normal then." She huffed. "He expects commitment and loyalty from me but doesn't commit to his training schedule because his dick rules his brain."

Antti winced at her rather harsh remark, good job Seb wasn't able to hear it. Actually, it was a good job that they couldn't hear Seb either. "What can I say, they're in love."

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