(A) Home for Christmas

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Seb didn't care that he was exceeding the speed limit, he didn't care that he was constantly changing lanes, undertaking and overtaking and he totally ignored the angry horns of other motorists. He was going to see his kids!

It had been a long season, a long year full of ups and downs - the typical rollercoaster.

But now the F1 season was done and winter break had officially started and Seb was heading straight home to pick up the kids. Except it wasn't home, not any more; it was now the home of his soon to be ex-wife and the home of his kids but for himself, it was no longer the family home he'd lovingly built up with Gisela.

He'd already decided on the flight back from Abu Dhabi that she could have the house as part of the divorce settlement that he hoped she'd accept. His next move would be to find somewhere new and bigger for himself and Alex, somewhere bigger than the current place he owned for his PT's and with plenty of room for his kids and maybe space to add one or two more if Alex would agree to looking into adoption with him. Though more children was something to look into once he'd ended his F1 career.

It was quite staggering how much had changed for him during the last twelve months. A year ago he was eagerly preparing for another idyllic, traditional Vettel family Christmas, now he was thinking about his first Christmas with his new girlfriend and how he was going to have to help her to earn acceptance from his parents who still viewed her as a home wrecker. They were unfortunately going to take some convincing.

His thoughts didn't stay on them for too long as Alex's hand appeared on his thigh.

"I actually feel nervous," she confessed, grimacing at the same time.

He looked from the road ahead to her and back again twice. Aleksandra didn't do nervous.....but Aleksandra was more or less gone, now he only saw Alex, "what an earth for? You've met my kids before, you're hardly strange to them."

"Everything is different now, it's all changed."

She was right. Before she'd just been his PT, now she was his kid's daddy's new girlfriend. But now wasn't the time to let them know that, for now she'd have to remain as daddy's friend, "I think we're going to have to hide the fact that we're together from them for a short while, I think it's too quick. It's too soon."

"I think you're right," Alex agreed, it took the attention off of her and she didn't mind that at all, today and the next couple of days would be all about his kids and she was happy to see him spend time with them and take a back seat, "they need to get used to you and Gisela not being together first before you even think about letting them see us together."

Seb smiled happily and reached a hand across to affectionately stroke the back of her neck, "I knew you'd agree."

"So I think we should sleep in separate rooms while their staying with us," she added, watching him as he put his hand back on the steering wheel.

He glanced at her a few more times, trying to decide if she was mucking around or not. "You're joking right?"

"No, you don't want them catching us in bed together, it would totally confuse the girls."

"There isn't enough bedrooms in that house for us to have separate rooms and for the girls and Xiomar to have a room each."

She'd thought it through, it was a three bedroom house, it was easy to sort out. "You have a room, I have a room, the girls share a room and Xiomar stays with you."

"You've really thought about this haven't you," he replied as he pulled out to impatiently overtake a slower car in front of him.

"You don't want them to see us together like that, I agreed and this is the best solution. Imagine their confusion or upset if they came running in one morning and saw us in bed."

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