For the kids

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Pushing the door closed with his behind, Seb sighed wearily as he looked at his phone. He'd been putting this phone call off all day but the press and media commitments were dealt with, the meetings done, the track walk completed and the social media video's were filmed and ready to be uploaded throughout the weekend. Alex was now in hospitality having a coffee and a sandwich with Britta and it was time for him make the Gisela. At least putting it off had given him time to calm down which was something of a miracle considering the amount of times he'd been asked about his personal life today.

Leaning back against the door, he selected Gisela's number from his contacts and then held the phone to his ear, waiting to see if she'd answer.

She did.

"Sebastian," her tone was blunt and to the point.

"Gisela," rattled, he matched her tone.

"I'd been expecting you to call," she announced smugly.

Seb could literally hear the smirk on her face and he bit the inside of his cheek for a second to stop himself from saying something he'd regret. Instead he stared ahead at the opposite white wall and said, "I've called you several times just lately but you've refused to answer the phone."

"What do you want?" She asked impatiently.

Now he could almost hear the eye roll that would accompany her question. "You know what I'm calling for, I want to see my kids."

"Ha! That's a bit difficult when you're in Saudi Arabia," she scoffed with a sarcastic little laugh.

"I mean when I get back, after next weekend, I'll be coming to pick them up."

There was silence for a few seconds and he wondered if she was about to hang up on him but then she fired back, "oh really?"

"Yes Gisela, really," he started to pace the room, feeling his temper starting to rise. Why was she being such an awkward bitch?

"Well, I'm not happy to let you see them. You're under a lot of media scrutiny at the moment and I don't want them exposed to that."

He stood still, fighting the urge to kick out at a chair or punch a wall. "Media scrutiny that you caused!" He growled before becoming unable to hold back, "what the fuck were you thinking Gisela?! We always said no press, no going to the media! We keep our private lives private for the kid's sakes!"

She was sounding remarkably calm, though her tone was now taunting, "that was until you decided to cheat on me Sebastian."

"You fucked me over! Have you any idea how much shit I've had to deal with today?! I never knew you could sink so low, selling out to the press! Did you not think about the girls? How they could read this one day?! How their friend's parents could read it and how it could affect their day to day life at school with their friends? You've fucked me over!" He yelled, removing his logo'd cap and throwing it across the small room.

"You fucked your PT, I think you'll find it's you who fucked me over!" She spat angrily.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers about this, I won't have you spouting shit to the press again!"

"Oh please!" She sniggered, "this will be the same lawyers that wrote to me on your behalf, demanding access to the kids, right?"

He knew he should end the call now and take a moment to calm down again. Gisela had got him right where she wanted him, all riled up and on the back foot. "They're my kids too! You can't stop me from seeing them!"

"While you insist on screwing your personal trainer who has a thing for dangerous men you will not be getting anywhere near our children!"

He held the phone out at arms length, seconds away from hurling it at the wall. Getting angry wasn't going to get him anywhere. He closed his eyes and tried to take a breath, willing himself to calm down before he spoke again. "Gisela, please, I get that you're hurting and you want to hurt me back but using the kids...."

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